RT ECP: Articles

February 11, 2014

Details emerge on tire plant fire

Source: Valley Morning Star (Harlingen, TX), February 2, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A fire at the tire recycling plant in August 2012 discharged waste from thousands of pounds of tires and crumb rubber and thousands of gallons of oil into the soil, public records show. But the Tire Recycling & Processing plant at the city’s […]

February 11, 2014

No plan to clean up worst dioxin sites

Source: Houston Chronicle, February 2, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com At the end of the night, after officials from the Environmental Protection Agency laid out options for cleaning up dioxin contamination of the San Jacinto River north of the Interstate 10 bridge, residents seemed nearly unanimous: haul all of the polluted sediment away, once and for […]

February 11, 2014

State seeking more control of fracking waste

Source: The Day (New London, CT), February 3, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com An effort has begun on three separate fronts to give the state more control over waste products from hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking,” that gas exploration companies may want to transport, dispose of or process in Connecticut. The state Department of Energy […]

February 7, 2014

Market Checkup: Environmental Cover

Source: http://www.propertycasualty360.com, February 4, 2014 By: Michael P. Voelker While brokers and carriers are increasing their policy counts, they face an uphill battle to grow premium volume. Among the most interesting developments in environmental liability coverage is that the recovering economy is turning businesses from window-shoppers into buyers. According to Marsh’s analysis of the environmental […]

February 7, 2014

Duke Energy plant reports coal-ash spill

Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com, February 4, 2014 By: Bruce Henderson Duke Energy said Monday that 50,000 to 82,000 tons of coal ash and up to 27 million gallons of water were released from a pond at its retired power plant in Eden into the Dan River, and were still flowing. Duke said a 48-inch stormwater pipe beneath […]

February 7, 2014

Sand Industry: 'Drastic Reduction' in PEL Not Necessary to Protect Workers from Silica Hazards

Source: EHS Today, February 1, 2014 Posted on: http://fpn.advisen.com In the coming months, OSHA will hold public hearings on one of its most far-reaching new regulations in recent years. OSHA’s proposed silica rule would affect more than 2 million workers in construction, oil and gas exploration, manufacturing and any work that involves silica-containing materials such […]

February 7, 2014

Applying Kentucky Law, Holds Subcontractors Allegedly Faulty Construction Of A Building Pad And The Resulting Damages Is Not An "Occurrence" Under A Commercial General Liability Policy

Source: Mondaq Business Briefing, January 31, 2014 Posted on: http://fpn.advisen.com Liberty Mut. Fire Ins. Co. v. Kay & Kay Contr. 2013 U.S. App. LEXIS 23587 (6th Cir. Nov. 19, 2013) This action arose out of a commercial general liability (“CGL”) policy issued by Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Co. (“Liberty Mutual”) to MW Builders, Inc. (“MW […]

February 6, 2014

Paulsboro residents sue firm over contaminated water

Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer, February 5, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A dozen Paulsboro residents have joined in a lawsuit against a West Deptford plastics company over a contaminated water supply. The lawsuit alleges that Solvay Specialty Polymers has failed to protect the borough from perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) stemming from its operations on Leonard Lane. Filed […]

February 6, 2014

Oil sands pollution two to three times higher than thought

Source: AFP World News, February 3, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The amount of harmful pollutants released in the process of recovering oil from tar sands in western Canada is likely far higher than corporate interests say, university researchers said Monday. Actual levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions into the air may be two to […]

February 6, 2014

Proposed Wastewater Well Leads to Challenges

Read here about a proposed gas-drilling wastewater well in Ohio that has lead to an appeal.

February 6, 2014

Public less likely to be exposed to contaminated groundwater from Maine superfund sites, says EPA

Source: Bangor Daily News (ME), February 5, 2014 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Cleanups completed at two superfund sites in Maine have reduced the chances of the public being exposed to contaminants in groundwater, according to reports issued recently by the Environmental Protection Agency. Superfund is the name of the federal environmental program established to address abandoned […]

February 6, 2014

NE Plant to Pay Millions For Violations

Read here about a Nebraska plant owner that has been ordered to pay over $2 million for violations of the Clean Water Act and the Nebraska Environmental Protection Act.


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