RT ECP: Articles

August 8, 2013

Lawsuit seeks relief from Winnebago Landfill smells

Source: http://www.rrstar.com, August 6, 2013 By: Kevin Haas A group of residents that live near the Winnebago Landfill has filed a lawsuit that says the company failed to control landfill gases and its noxious fumes. Multiple plaintiffs from 70 households are listed in the suit filed Monday in the 17th Judicial Circuit Court in Winnebago […]

August 8, 2013

CA Dairy Fined for Pollution

Read here about a dairy in California that has been fined for polluting groundwater.

August 8, 2013

Georgia recognizes defective construction as an "occurrence" for liability insurance purposes

Source: http://www.lexology.com, July 23, 2013 By: William R. Wildman and Kent W. Collier, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP The highest court in Georgia has recently added that jurisdiction to the growing list that considers defective construction, including defects in the work of a general contractor, to be an “occurrence” under the general contractor’s commercial general […]

August 7, 2013

Sand mines in Wisconsin unearth environmental problems

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, August 5, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The fast-growing sand mining industry is grappling with a rising number of environmental problems across western Wisconsin. Many of the cases involve water pollution — where vast piles of sand, sediment and dirt have washed off properties, often after heavy rains, and contaminated waterways. Since […]

August 7, 2013

Governor Bobby Jindal: State Suing Texas Brine for Environmental Damage Caused by Failed Texas Brine Cavern

Source: Targeted News Service, August 2, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Gov. Bobby Jindal, R-La., issued the following news release: On the eve of the one-year anniversary of Texas Brine’s failed salt cavern in Bayou Corne, Governor Bobby Jindal and Attorney General Buddy Caldwell announced today that the State of Louisiana is filing suit against Texas […]

August 7, 2013

Gas leaks from shale wells rare

Source: The Columbus Dispatch, August 5, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Minutes after Debby Kline flicked a lighter near a bathroom sink in her Portage County house in northeastern Ohio, she called the fire department. A sink-to-ceiling flare erupted when she tried to light a candle on Dec. 21, she told a TV news show. State […]

August 7, 2013

Scientists put Chicago River's trash under the microscope

Source: Chicago Tribune, August 4, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Like a doctor with a complicated patient, aquatic ecologist Timothy Hoellein is determined to assess the health of the Chicago River by focusing on one of its major problems: garbage. Hoellein is spearheading an effort to examine trash in the river more carefully than anyone has […]

August 7, 2013

OH Retirement Community Hit With Legionnaires

Read here about a retirement community in Ohio that has been hit with an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease.  

August 6, 2013

George P. Mitchell and the entrepreneurial edge

Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com, July 31, 2013 By: Robert J. Samuelson You may have missed the obituary the other day of George P. Mitchell, who died at 94 and was someone of genuine consequence for the future of America and perhaps the world. He is not to be confused with George J. Mitchell, the former U.S. Senate […]

August 6, 2013

MO Superfund Site to Be Cleaned Up

Read here about an old carburetor factory in St. Louis that has been approved for a $30 million clean up.  

August 6, 2013

ND Oil Co Fined for Endangering Drinking Water Source

Read here about an oil and gas company in North Dakota that has been fined a record $1.5 million for endangering a drinking water source.  

August 6, 2013

Falls mill owners file $50 million lawsuit over radioactive soil

Source: The Buffalo News, August 1, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The owners of a new paper mill in Niagara Falls have taken former owners of their property to court, claiming the former owners are responsible for radioactive contamination found while clearing the site. Greenpac Mill is demanding $50 million in compensatory damages from National Grid, […]


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