RT ECP: Articles

November 12, 2013

Ill. attorney general suing over mounds of refinery waste

Source: Chicago Tribune, November 5, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan is suing one of the companies piling up huge mounds of refinery waste on Chicago’s Southeast Side, adding new legal pressure to stop black clouds of dust from blowing into surrounding neighborhoods. In a complaint filed Monday in Cook County Circuit […]

October 31, 2013

State sues to recover cost of cleaning up Hempfield site

Source: The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, October 30, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Three companies that stored materials at a Westmoreland County scrap processing site between 1940 and 1970 owe the state about $2.3 million for cleaning up hazardous materials that seeped into the ground, the Department of Environmental Protection says in a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday. The […]

October 31, 2013

Pipeline spills 400 barrels of oil south of Smithville

Source: Austin American-Statesman (TX), October 31, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com About 400 barrels of Texas-produced crude oil spilled on a ranch south of Smithville, contaminating a stock pond and causing the temporary shutdown of the pipeline. No injuries were reported. The spill was discovered Monday afternoon said Jake Reint, spokesman for the Koch Pipeline Company. […]

October 30, 2013

Chili odor leads to lawsuit in CA

Read here about a chili odor emanating from a factory in California that is the subject of a lawsuit.  

October 30, 2013

ODNR confirms hydraulic fracturing in Ohio has not contaminated groundwater; plans to propose rules authorizing impoundments

Source: http://www.lexology.com, October 22, 2013 By: Anne C. Foster, Baker & Hostetler LLP A recent article published in the Akron Beacon Journal indicates (click here) that of the 183 water-well complaints received by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) between 2010 and mid-October 2013, “only six water supplies were impacted by drilling over the […]

October 30, 2013

Oil Trains Coming to Washington

Read here about crude oil trains in the Northwest that may bring potential jobs but at the same time raises various concerns.

October 30, 2013

In-situ oilsands mines may skirt environmental assessments

Source: The Hamilton Spectator (Ontario, Canada), October 26, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The federal government has confirmed it is backing away from assessing the environmental impact of new oilsands projects, one day after acknowledging it won’t come close to meeting greenhouse gas reduction targets. A final list of the types of projects that will require […]

October 30, 2013

Owner of three closed motels facing $225,000 fine from Ohio EPA for repeated pollution

Source: The Akron Beacon Journal, October 26, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The owner of three now-closed motels in Northeast Ohio would pay a $225,000 fine to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency under a proposed consent decree. Jitendra Kapasi of Kent could get that fine reduced to $125,000 if he pays $100,000 within 24 months, under […]

October 30, 2013

Environmental group sues company over waste dumped into in Allegheny River

Source: The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, October 28, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com An industrial treatment plant near Allegheny National Forest is dumping illegal amounts of salty, contaminant-laden wastewater from drillers into the Allegheny River in violation of state and federal laws, an environmental group charged in a federal lawsuit. The state director of Clean Water Action said […]

October 28, 2013

Appeals court ruling sides with Allen County Public Library in lawsuit against contractors over diesel leak

Source: http://www.news-sentinel.com, October 23, 2013 The Allen County Public Library can proceed with a lawsuit against four contractors, according to a ruling from the Indiana Court of Appeals. The contention stems from a leak of diesel fuel for emergency generators in the basement of the main library in downtown Fort Wayne. In 2007, after construction […]

October 28, 2013

State: We'll 'virtually eliminate' smells at Roxbury landfill

Source: http://www.nj.com, October 24, 2013 By: Louis C. Hochman State officials say they expect to be able to “virtually eliminate” the foul odors that reach for miles beyond the Fenimore landfill site eventually — but they haven’t yet finalized a plan to do so. In a fact sheet the state Department of Environmental Protection provided […]

October 28, 2013

Facing asbestos lawsuits, paper giant launched research program

Source: http://www.salon.com, October 21, 2013 By: Jim Morris Atlanta-based Georgia-Pacific initiated a secret program designed to prove its product didn’t cause cancer In the spring of 2005, Georgia-Pacific Corp. found itself facing nearly $1 billion in liability from a product it hadn’t made in nearly three decades: a putty-like building material, known as joint compound, […]


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