RT ECP: Articles

October 16, 2013

United States: Is The Absolute Pollution Exclusion Absolute? It Depends On Which State Answers The Question

Source: http://www.mondaq.com, October 14, 2013 By: Robert S. Sanoff, Foley Hoag LLP The battle over the scope of the absolute pollution exclusion in general liability policies continues to be fought in the context of defective drywall manufactured in China. An earlier blog entry discussed a Virginia court that had concluded that there was no coverage […]

October 15, 2013

Big lagoons could hold Ohio fracking waste

Source: The Columbus Dispatch (OH), October 11, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Fracking wastewater lagoons the size of football fields could dot eastern Ohio as state officials draft rules for the storage sites. Oil and gas drillers use the lagoons to store millions of gallons of water contaminated with fracking chemicals, toxic metals and radium that […]

October 15, 2013

Louisiana Appellate Court holds that pollution exclusions bar coverage for pollution caused by oil and gas operations

Source: http://www.lexology.com, October 7, 2013 By: Ruth S. Kochenderfer and Kate M. Riggs, Steptoe & Johnson LLP In Lodwick, L.L.C. v. Chevron U.S.A., Inc., No. 48,312-CA, 2013 WL 5477240 (La. Ct. App. Oct. 2, 2013) (applying Louisiana law), the Second Circuit Court of Appeal of Louisiana granted summary judgment in favor of commercial general liability […]

October 10, 2013

Environmentalists, API Spar Over Findings Of Fracking Emissions Study

Source: Clean Air Report, October 10, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) is refuting the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) claims that a recent EDF study on “fugitive” uncontrolled emissions from natural gas production shows that hydraulic fracturing is environmentally safe and that any new EPA air regulations for the sector are unnecessary. […]

October 9, 2013

Alabama stems the tide: construction defect claims do not constitute an “occurrence” under commercial general liability policies

Source: http://www.lexology.com, October 2, 2013 By: Martha P. Brown and David L. Brown, Nelson Levine de Luca & Hamilton LLC A hotly debated topic in construction defect litigation is whether faulty construction is covered under standard commercial general liability policies. The Alabama Supreme Court weighed in on this debate inOwners Insurance Company v. Jim Carr […]

October 9, 2013

Duke researchers publish new paper on gas-drilling waste

Source: The Herald-Sun (Durham, NC), October 6, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Duke University researchers say they’ve documented elevated levels of a radioactive element where a western Pennsylvania waste plant discharged treated water previously used in natural-gas drilling. Published Wednesday in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, the findings came from a team led by Nicholas […]

October 9, 2013

Ohio will soon authorize fracking wastewater pools

Source: Vindicator (Youngstown, OH), October 7, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Ohio regulators will soon approve and permit large, exposed centralized impoundments that hold fracking flowback water. These are used widely by oil and gas companies in other states to recycle the waste and serve multiple wells near one another . The impoundments, or pits, which […]

October 8, 2013

Asbestos suit filed by cancer patient over work-related expsosure

Source: http://louisianarecord.com, October 4, 2013 By: Holland Phillips Several companies have been named in an asbestos lawsuit filed by a man who contracted lung cancer, which he attributes to his exposure to asbestos from the early 1970s. Lones James Gagnard Jr. filed suit against Avondale Industries, Inc., Northrop Grumman Ship Systems Inc., Huntington Ingalls Incorporated, […]

October 8, 2013

Chemicals from coal ash leaching into groundwater near Flemington community

Source: http://www.starnewsonline.com, October 5, 2013 By: Kate Elizabeth Queram Before Kimberly Wood takes a shower, brews a cup of tea or boils water for cooking, she makes a deal with herself: Don’t think about it. Just don’t think about it. Don’t think about how this sip, that bite, the very next drop of water could […]

October 8, 2013

Colorado flooding implicates insurance coverage for energy companies

Source: http://www.lexology.com, September 30, 2013 By: John D. Shugrue, Kevin B. Dreher and Emily Garrison, Reed Smith LLP The damage caused by the recent flooding in Colorado is catastrophic and has evermore changed the lives of many who live in and around the affected communities. As the waters recede, the impact of the destruction is […]

October 7, 2013

Judge Orders West Des Moines Company, Owner to Pay $80,000 in Environmental Case

Source: Targeted News Service, September 30, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com An Iowa County District Court judge today assessed an $80,000 civil penalty (http://www.state.ia.us/government/ag/latest_news/releases/sept_2013/Patel_Santoshi_Consent_Decree.pdf) against a West Des Moines company and its owner for violating state environmental laws in the demolition of a Williamsburg truck stop. Iowa District Court Judge Paul D. Miller assessed the penalty […]

October 7, 2013

Tonawanda crematory hit with lawsuit by attorney general

Source: The Buffalo News, October 2, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman made good Tuesday on threats of legal action against an embattled crematory in the Town of Tonawanda by filing a lawsuit seeking to permanently block its operation. The lawsuit filed in State Supreme Court marks the latest in a […]


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