RT ECP: Articles

September 26, 2013

Floods Exacerbate Damage of Fracking in Colorado

Source: Targeted News Service, September 24, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com As floodwaters continue to rage across the Front Range, our first thoughts are with the victims and their families. And to add insult to injury, Coloradans now have reason to be concerned about their water quality. Oil and gas industry infrastructure in the region has […]

September 26, 2013

Pro-frackers try to stem leak claims

Sources: http://www.washingtontimes.com, September 25, 2013 By: Valerie Richardson Anti-fracking groups drumming up alarm over oil leaks from last week’s epic Colorado floods are running into pushback from those who say the activists are overstating the problem to advance a political agenda. Figures released Tuesday by the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission show that 34,524 […]

September 26, 2013

United States: Second Circuit Canvases Case Law, Upholds Pollution Exclusion

Source: http://www.mondaq.com, September 23, 2013 By: Jason D. Sanders and Virginia L. White-Mahaffey, Steptoe & Johnson LLP In Emerson Enterprises, LLC v. Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. et al., No. 12-4287-CV, 2013 WL 4753564 (2d Cir. Sept. 5, 2013), the Second Circuit, applying New York law, affirmed the district court’s summary judgment order holding that […]

September 25, 2013

More oil, gas damage reported throughout Weld County

Source: Greeley Tribune (CO), September 21, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The oil and gas carnage in Weld County has grown, now with three exploration companies noting problems due to flooding and almost 22,000 gallons of oil either on the ground or in floodwaters. As of Friday afternoon, four spills had been reported by Anadarko Petroleum […]

September 25, 2013

Clean Harbors Agrees to Pay Fine For Waste Oil Charges

Source: Waste Age, September 23, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Clean Harbors Inc. has agreed to pay a $112,500 fine regarding the transporting and reporting of waste oil. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) said in a news release that the Norwell, Mass.-based Clean Harbors agreed to the payment for allegedly transporting waste oil from […]

September 25, 2013

Sites sought for region's fracking residue

Source: The Columbus Dispatch, September 23, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Battelle scientists are leading a search for sites where companies can pump fracking waste underground in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The two-year project, funded by a $1.8 million U.S. Department of Energy grant, is a response to the growing amount of polluted wastewater that […]

September 24, 2013

Fracking and flooding may be toxic combination for Colorado

Source: Fleet Owner, September 19, 2013 Posted on: http://fpn.advisen.com Just when it looked like things might be improving for flood-ravaged Colorado, Accuweather is reporting that the state may now be facing another catastrophe, water contamination caused by flood water flowing into and over the thousands of natural gas and oil wells and drilling sites that […]

September 24, 2013

Environmental liability – Beware!

Source: Ottawa Business Journal, September 23, 2013 By: Jeysa Martinez, Brazeau Seller LLP Innocent and blameless property owners may be exposed to significant environmental liability risk. When assessing environmental liability one might think that, if a land owner did not create nor contribute to an environmental spill or contamination, fault and fairness would be taken […]

September 24, 2013

PRP letter triggered coverage–but delay precludes claim against insurers

Source: http://www.lexology.com, September 18, 2013 By: Amy B. Briggs, David B. Killalea , Stephen T. Raptis, Robert H. Shulman and Susan P. White, Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP A letter sent by the EPA in 2001 pursuant to CERCLA warning Land O’Lakes that it could be a potentially responsible party (“PRP”) for cleanup of an […]

September 20, 2013

Settlement gives $1M to clean up Voorhees landfill

Source: http://www.courierpostonline.com, September 17, 2013 By: Jim Walsh A legal agreement is providing $1 million toward cleanup costs for a polluted landfill in Voorhees. Under terms of a consent order, General Electric Co. will pay $255,000 to a state agency for costs incurred at the former Buzby Brothers Landfill. In addition, $245,000 will come from […]

September 20, 2013

State to undertake $500,000 cleanup of Pottstown Plating

Source: http://www.pottsmerc.com, September 18, 2013 By: Evan Brandt The state is stepping in to make sure a half-million-dollar environmental cleanup at a closed plating facility in the borough gets completed after the bankrupt owner stopped work. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection announced Wednesday it would take over the removal of hazardous materials left over […]

September 19, 2013

A cautionary insurance tale for project owners

Source: http://www.lexology.com, September 4, 2013 By: Stanley A. Martin, Duane Morris LLP The contractor’s excavator digging the foundation for a new building undermines the abutting building, which collapses, and a worker is injured. In the subsequent lawsuits, one by the abutter and one by the injured worker, the project owner tenders the defense to its […]


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