RT ECP: Articles

May 9, 2013

Trucking Company to Pay for Pollution Violations

Read here about a trucking company in Montana who will pay thousands to settle pollution violations.  

May 9, 2013

USGS Doubles Estimates at Bakken and Three Forks Shale

Source: Resource Investing News, May 7, 2013 By: Vivien Diniz Overall, the United States is on track toward greater energy independence, and that road is paved with shale oil. US oil reserves have skyrocketed to the highest levels seen in 30 years thanks to shale oil. And it will only get better from there. On […]

May 7, 2013

West, Texas blast reveals lack of insurance rule

Source: El Paso Times, May 5, 2013 Posted on: http://fpn.advisen.com The insurance on the fertilizer plant that blew up in West, Texas, on April 17 was a “drop in the bucket” next to the damage it caused, the spokesman for an industry group said Friday. Meanwhile, the state agency that regulates insurers said there is […]

May 7, 2013

Arkansas Spill Zone Residents Await Plan to Return Home; New Leak in Missouri

Source: http://enr.construction.com, May 6, 2013 By: Candy McCampbell One month after a pipeline rupture sent 210,000 gal of heavy crude oil through an Arkansas neighborhood, officials announced initiation of a “reentry plan” so residents can start returning to their homes. That return will be “over the next few weeks,” according to a statement from the […]

May 7, 2013

United States: The Changing Landscape Of Liability For Natural Resource Damages

Source: http://www.mondaq.com, May 2, 2013 By: John G. Nevius Previously published by The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, Inc. Volume 21, No. 4, April 2013 Many jurisdictions have announced that they plan to more actively pursue natural resource damages (“NRDs”) from potentially responsible parties (“PRPs”) deemed liable under CERCLA or Superfund. Recent developments in case law have […]

May 7, 2013

When does an "occurrence" occur?

Source: http://www.lexology.com, April 29, 2013 By: Jerome H. Sturhahn, Sherman & Howard LLC Two federal courts in Denver recently addressed a fundamental question that exists in almost every construction defect case – when did the property damage that gives rise to liability, and the insurer’s obligation, occur? The answer to the question of when the […]

May 2, 2013

Santee Cooper Coal plant pollution sparks federal lawsuit

Source: http://www.greenvilleonline.com, April 29, 2013 By: Sammy Fretwell An environmental group made good Monday on its threat to sue Santee Cooper for years of arsenic contamination at the state-owned utility’s coal-fired power plant west of Myrtle Beach. In a federal lawsuit, the Waccamaw Riverkeeper says Santee Cooper and state environmental regulators knew for more than […]

May 2, 2013

Hydraulic Fracking & Water Pollution

Source: http://theenergycollective.com, April 30, 2013 By: Grant McDermott In planning my series on the environmental impacts of natural gas for The Energy Collective, I had always intended for my third post to cover the critical issue of water needs. While climate concerns may dominate for some (see my previous posts), it seems fair to say […]

May 2, 2013

What do you call a contractor who provides an owner with an OCP Policy, additional insured status, and indemnification? Confused

Source: http://www.lexology.com, April 26, 2013 By: Jonathan A. Cass and Daniel E. Fierstein, Cohen, Seglias, Pallas, Greenhall & Furman PC For most people, there is only one thing more excruciating than a discussion about insurance coverage: a blog post about it. So brace yourselves dear readers. With all kidding aside, the importance for contractors and […]

May 2, 2013

Louisiana court finds settlement of environmental enforcement actions triggers insurance coverage

Source: http://www.lexology.com, April 26, 2013 By: David Erickson and Mark Anstoetter, Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP The Louisiana Court of Appeals has ruled that a commercial pollution legal liability policy covered at least some costs to be incurred in connection with the insured’s resolution of the state’s environmental enforcement actions. Bollinger Shipyards Lockport, L.L.C. v. […]

May 1, 2013

Franklin Forks Residents Concerned About Methane In Water Wells

Source: http://www.wicz.com, April 30, 2013 A response wasn’t long in coming, following the latest bit of news on a very controversial subject. Just one day after the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection said methane found in private water wells in Franklin Forks Township was naturally occuring and not the result of natural gas development, one […]

May 1, 2013

Fridley Superfund site to become business campus

Source: Saint Paul Pioneer Press (MN), May 1, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A Minneapolis developer known for cleaning up industrial sites has plans to turn Fridley’s biggest and most polluted parcel into a sprawling business campus. Paul Hyde of Hyde Developments has been in discussion with city officials for nearly two years to buy 122 […]


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