RT ECP: Articles

January 15, 2013

Supreme Court Ruling Leaves Los Angeles With Polluted Stormwater

Source: Environment News Service, January 9, 2013 The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Los Angeles County’s Flood Control District can side-step responsibility for the high levels of polluted stormwater found in the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers, but only temporarily. In a lawsuit initiated in 2008 by the Natural Resources Defense Council […]

January 15, 2013

Virginia Supreme Court construes four exclusions as barring coverage in first-party Chinese drywall claim

Source: http://www.lexology.com, January 7, 2013 By: John David Dickenson and Matthew Criscuolo, Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP On November 1, 2012, the Virginia Supreme Court issued its opinion in TravCo Insurance Company v. Ward,1 and became the first state high court to determine that several exclusions contained within a homeowners’ insurance policy were applicable and barred […]

January 14, 2013

Thai villagers win lead pollution court battle

Source: AFP World News, January 10, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Ethnic minority villagers at the centre of a nine-year legal dispute over lead pollution from a mine in western Thailand won their fight for increased compensation on Thursday. Thailand’s Supreme Administrative Court ordered the government to pay 3.9 million baht ($128,000) shared between 22 plaintiffs […]

January 14, 2013

Landfill methane project on track

Source: Mount Airy News (NC), January 10, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Surry County is poised to be on the cutting edge of environmental protection, and make a little bit of pocket change, when the landfill starts generating electricity late next month. According to Dennis Bledsoe, the county’s public works director, things are moving along on […]

January 14, 2013


Source: Inside EPA Weekly Report, January 11, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com EPA is seeking data to determine whether it should continue with plans to propose a rule governing renovations and repairs of public and commercial buildings with lead paint, a controversial measure Senate Republicans have questioned, but that EPA agreed to consider as part of […]

January 14, 2013

Cleanup continues at Handford site

Read here about cleanup that continues at the Hanford site in Washington even as Governor steps down.  

January 14, 2013

Risks remain at coal slurry ponds

Read here about risks that remain at West Virginia coal slurry ponds.  

January 10, 2013

A decade later, massive civil case against oil companies ready to proceed

Source: New Hampshire Union Leader, January 8, 2013 By: Dave Solomon George W. Bush was in his first term, Facebook didn’t exist and Barack Obama was still an Illinois state senator when the state of New Hampshire sued 22 oil and gas companies in late 2003, claiming their use of the gasoline additive MTBE caused […]

December 28, 2012

Cleanup of glass company site under way in Jeannette

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 27, 2012 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Cleanup of the former Jeannette Glass Co. site is finally under way, but the ownership of the site is embroiled in litigation. The site was sold to the Westmoreland County Industrial Development Corp. in September for the $304,000 the county says the current owners, Zion Bullitt […]

December 28, 2012

Waste Dumping Charges for TX Slaughterhouse

Read here about waste dumping charges that have been brought against a slaughterhouse in Dallas.

December 28, 2012

Cleanup Plan Proposed for NY Canal

Read here about a $400 million cleanup plan that has been proposed for a canal in New York City.  

December 27, 2012

LA company sues fire suppression company

Read here about a New Orleans company whose plant was destroyed in a blaze and subsequently has sued a fire suppression company.


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