RT ECP: Articles

January 26, 2012

Tampa Bay hotel sues BP over oil spill

Read here about a Florida hotel that is suing BP over lost business after the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

January 25, 2012

NY takes action against Pa. driller over pollution

Read here about fines being sought from a Pennsylvania drilling company for polluting a stream.

January 24, 2012

Environmental groups, McKeesport settle Marcellus-related lawsuit

Source: http://www.pittsburghlive.com, January 24, 2012 Two environmental groups and McKeesport’s municipal authority have settled a federal lawsuit that claimed the city was violating state and federal environmental laws by treating wastewater from Marcellus shale drilling operations, according to court documents. Attorneys for both sides and representatives for the city, the municipal authority, Clean Water Action […]

January 24, 2012

Witnesses describe shoddy asbestos removal during Chattanooga textile plant demolition

Source: http://www.timesfreepress.com, January 20, 2012 By: Todd South Testimony in a federal criminal trial Thursday focused on how unprotected workers cleared asbestos-covered debris from the site of a demolished Chattanooga textile plant. In the sixth day of trial for three men and two businesses charged with fraud and intentional environmental regulation violations, prosecution witnesses described […]

January 24, 2012

Portions of Gracedale's basement shuttered after tests find asbestos

Source: http://www.lehighvalleylive.com, January 20, 2012 By: Tom Shortell Northampton County has shut down parts of Gracedale nursing home’s basement after tests revealed too-high levels of asbestos, officials confirmed Thursday. Northampton County Executive John Stoffa and Director of Administration Tom Harp said a maintenance shop, carpenter shop, break room and a storage room where wheelchair and […]

January 24, 2012

The Realities of Real Estate: Ruling on lead paint law rocks the rental market

Source: http://www.hometownannapolis.com, January 22, 2012 By: Bob & Donna McWilliams When anyone purchases or rents a place to live, above all, they want it to be safe. Our home is our refuge, and it’s important to be aware of anything that could challenge our security or sense of well-being. Those challenges can come in many […]

January 24, 2012

Legal matters: Environmental mess needn’t be a legal mess

Source: http://finance-commerce.com, January 17, 2012 By: Dan Heilman Property owners can avoid being saddled with cleanup if they do their homework Two of the most discussed pieces of property in the Twin Cities in recent months have been the former Arden Hills munitions site as a potential spot for a new Vikings stadium and the […]

January 19, 2012

Building Information Modeling

Source: http://www.out-law.com What is BIM? Building Information Modelling (BIM) uses software to create a model of a building that reacts to change in the way that the real building would. It is designed to make an integrated and collaborative approach to construction possible. Some users use BIM systems as advanced Computer Aided Design (CAD), others as […]

January 17, 2012

Oily dirt won't touch pasture

Source: http://www.onlinesentinel.com, January 14, 2012 By: Doug Harlow Company looking for alternative disposal plan for contaminated soil The C.N. Brown Oil Co. has withdrawn its plans to spread petroleum-contaminated soil on dairy farmland on West Ridge Road. In an email to several people who have expressed interest in the project, Andrew Flint, an environmental specialist […]

January 17, 2012

$1.4 million settlement agreement in sewer spill

Source: http://www.sfgate.com, January 14, 2012 By: Peter Fimrite A Menlo Park sanitary district has agreed to pay $1.4 million to settle a long-running lawsuit accusing the utility of spilling tens of thousands of gallons of sewage into creeks and sloughs that drain into San Francisco Bay. The West Bay Sanitary District, which was found liable […]

January 17, 2012

Asbestos Found in Wood Chips

Read here about low levels of asbestos that have been found in wood chips being sold by a Montana Superfund Site for use in landscaping.

January 12, 2012

Hospital fountain linked to Legionnaires’ outbreak

Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com, January 10, 2012 By: Lena H. Sun An outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in Wisconsin has been linked to a decorative water wall in a hospital lobby, according to a study published Tuesday that suggested the popular architectural feature can pose dangers in a health-care setting, especially for people with weakened immune systems. In […]


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