RT ECP: Articles

October 12, 2011

New York High School Confirms Case of MRSA

Source: http://www.foxnews.com, October 7, 2011 A New York high school put its students on alert Thursday after confirming a case of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, less than a year after one of its wrestling stars was hospitalized for almost a month with the superbug. The school district of Hauppauge, a town in Long Island’s Suffolk […]

October 12, 2011

Misuse of Pesticide Leads to Guilty Plea

Read here about how a Utah extermination company and its former employee pleaded guilty to misapplication of a pesticide.

October 12, 2011

Mining Co to Pay Government to Settle Clean up

Read here about an Idaho mining company that will pay millions to the federal government to settle the clean up of the Silver Valley.

October 11, 2011

Many Hampton Roads families financially ruined by Chinese drywall

Source: Daily Press (Newport News, VA), October 10, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Eric Bailey became so frustrated when moving out of his Chinese drywall-contaminated home in Denbigh this spring, he took out a Sharpie pen and scrawled messages on his gray walls. “Chinese drywall brought to U by U.S. trade policy,” Bailey wrote in thick […]

October 11, 2011

Army continues massive base cleanup

Source: Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, MA), October 10, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Just about a year ago, a monitoring well near the Bourne boundary of the Massachusetts Military Reservation showed levels of perchlorate six times the limit set by the state for safe drinking water. To the public, the discovery came out of nowhere, but […]

October 11, 2011

SD Plant Fined for Polluting River

Read here about a South Dakota meatpacking plant that will pay a $44,000 fine for polluting a river.

October 7, 2011

Pool chemicals causing injury/illness

Read here about the 28,000 pool chemical injuries/illnesses that occurred from 2002 to 2008.

October 7, 2011

EPA investigating mine spill

Read here about a Colorado mine spill that prompted an EPA investigation.

October 7, 2011

City settles wastewater dispute

Source: Meridian Star (MS), October 5, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The city of Meridian has reached a settlement in a litigation with the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality over the operation of the city’s wastewater treatment plant. DEQ was initially going to fine the city around $75,000 for alleged violations in the operation of the plant […]

October 6, 2011

Statesville council approves $25,000 settlement

Source: Statesville Record & Landmark (NC), October 4, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The Statesville City Council approved a settlement plan with the federal government Monday night that calls for the city to pay $25,000 as its share of the clean-up costs of a site contaminated by materials contained in electrical transformers. City Attorney Eddie Gaines […]

October 6, 2011

Industrial solvent TCE even more dangerous to people

Source: Los Angeles Times, September 30, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com One of the most widespread groundwater contaminants in the nation is more dangerous to humans than earlier thought, a federal agency has determined, in a decision that could raise the cost of cleanups nationwide, including large areas of the San Fernando and San Gabriel valleys. […]

October 6, 2011

Superfund Site Cleanup to Begin in Seattle

Read here about cleanup work that is set to begin on a Seattle site, the Duwamish River, ten years after being listed as a Superfund site.


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