RT ECP: Articles

October 6, 2011

WV Co. Agrees to Pollution Lawsuit Settlement

Read here about a West Virginia company that has agreed to pay $2 million to settle a 2010 pollution lawsuit.

October 6, 2011

Clean Air Act Violations Lead to Fine for PA Company

Read here about a Pennsylvania company that has agreed to a substantial fine for Clean Air Act Violations.

October 6, 2011

Seattle Co. to Settle Allegations of Clean Water Violations

Read here about a Seattle-based seafood company that will settle clean water law allegations.

October 5, 2011

Contaminated soil halts Havelock construction project

Source: http://www.newbernsj.com, September 27, 2011 By: Drew C. Wilson A small patch of petroleum-contaminated soil beneath Havelock City Hall will have to be cleaned up for construction of a new building. A set of six soil borings drilled July 21 where an old underground fuel storage tank was once located detected the spots that had […]

October 5, 2011

BPU Faces Sewage Leak Lawsuit

Source: http://www.post-journal.com, October 2, 2011 By: Jason Rodriguez As far back as 1990, Widrig Avenue resident Dennis McCullough has been especially wary of poor weather. He said that his house is situated at a crossroads of city plumbing. McCullough said a 15-inch waste water line, coming down Hallock Street, turns onto his road, and flows […]

September 26, 2011

Seattle Recycling Project Leads to Odor Complaints

Read here about a Seattle recycling requirement that led to an all-time high percentage of recycling but has also led to odor complaints.

September 26, 2011

PA Homeowners and Gas Pipeline Co Sue Each Other

Read here about some Pennsylvania homeowners and a gas pipeline company that have sued each other over a pipeline to be built that would connect to Marcellus Shale wells.

September 26, 2011

Resident headed legal team in river pollution case victory

Source: http://www.northjersey.com, September 22, 2011 By: Lindsey Kelleher Township resident Michael Gordon, partner in the Springfield law firm Gordon & Gordon, served as lead counsel representing the State of New Jersey in a case that is holding two chemical companies financially responsible for pollution in the Passaic River. The state is also represented by the […]

September 26, 2011

Company faces $1 million sanction for polluting Ogeechee

Source: http://savannahnow.com, September 22, 2011 By: Mary Landers King America Finishing has agreed to fund $1 million worth of environmental projects on the Ogeechee River as part of a consent order prompted by a massive fish kill in May. The Georgia Environmental Protection Division executed the order Wednesday after investigations into the fish kill revealed […]

September 23, 2011

Bedbug Panic Often Creates More Danger Than Bites

Source: New York Times Online, September 23, 2011 Posted on: http://fpn.advisen.com As bedbugs have made a comeback, aided by resistance to pesticides and spread by worldwide travel, scientists have found that panic over the blood-sucking pests may be more dangerous than their bite. Some people are misusing poisonous chemicals in a desperate bid to eradicate […]

September 23, 2011

Environmental Cleanup Begins On Former Tobacco Fields

Source: Hartford Courant (CT), September 22, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Contamination on 200 acres in the town’s Meadowood section that was once used to grow tobacco is being cleaned up this week in preparation for a proposed 296-home housing development. Residents living near the property, bounded by Hoskins Road on the south, County Road on […]

September 21, 2011

ADEQ fines Yuma excavating and paving contractor

Source: Sun (Yuma, AZ), September 20, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com BTZ, a Yuma excavation and demolition contractor, has agreed to pay a $110,000 penalty for asbestos and air quality violations from its demolition activities and at its asphalt plant, according to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and Arizona Attorney General’s Office. “Arizona companies […]


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