RT ECP: Articles

October 13, 2021

Trial scheduled in last FIU bridge-collapse lawsuit. Criminal charges still undecided

Source: Miami Herald, October 12, 2021 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com/ More than three years after the deadly bridge collapse at Florida International University, the last remaining lawsuit has now been scheduled for a Jan. 10 trial, while separately, prosecutors say they have still not determined whether anyone should be charged criminally. A civil court judge recently […]

October 12, 2021

Maine to investigate more than 500 sludge sites for contamination by ‘forever chemicals’

Source: https://www.pressherald.com, October 12, 2021 By: Kevin Miller State environmental regulators are preparing to launch a massive, statewide investigation to find additional “forever chemical” hotspots stemming from Maine’s decades-long use of municipal sludge and paper mill waste as farm fertilizer. Earlier this year, the administration of Gov. Janet Mills worked with the Legislature to set […]

October 11, 2021

New lawsuits in NJ for contamination in environmental justice communities

Source: https://www.njspotlight.com/, October 11, 2021 Under New Jersey’s Environmental Justice Law, neighborhoods are designated environmental justice communities if they are “overburdened” and have a significant low-income, minority, and/or population with limited proficiency in English. On Friday, acting Attorney General Andrew Bruck and Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Shawn LaTourette announced seven new environmental enforcement actions, […]

October 11, 2021

NJ DEP sues former Somerville fuel oil company over diesel spill during Floyd

Source: https://www.mycentraljersey.com/, October 11, 2021 By: Mike Deak The state is suing a former fuel oil company for not cleaning up a diesel spill 22 years ago that the state Department of Environmental Protection alleges still “poses a threat” to the residents of two neighboring garden apartment complexes on South Bridge Street. The suit, filed in Superior Court […]

October 8, 2021

Chemical company agrees to pay for damages after sulfuric acid sprayed onto cars along Durham Freeway

Source: https://www.wral.com/, October 7, 2021 By: Chris Lovingood A chemical wholesale company is taking responsibility after several drivers said their cars were pelted with an acid-like substance on N.C. Highway 147 in Durham last weekend. They’re now agreeing to help several drivers who were impacted and pay for vehicle damage. Read more.

October 8, 2021

“Tail Coverage” – Understanding The Extended Reporting Period

Source: https://www.mondaq.com/, October 8, 2021 By: Pamela G. Michiels, Phelps Dunbar Professional liability policies, almost always written on a claims-made basis, typically contain a number of options for the insured to obtain an Extended Reporting Period (ERP). What does that mean? And why might it be necessary, or at least a good idea? While many […]

October 8, 2021

The Retroactive Date – When Timing Is Everything

Source: https://www.mondaq.com/, October 8, 2021 By: Mary Frances Lindquist Rosamond, Phelps Dunbar Most architects, engineers and contractors’ professional liability policies are written on a claims-made basis, requiring a claim to be first made against the insured and reported to the insurer during the policy period. Claims-made policies typically contain a retroactive date limitation, which must […]

October 7, 2021

DOJ Sues Transportation Company Faulted for 2008 Oil Spill

Source: https://lawstreetmedia.com/, October 6, 2021 By: Kendall Heebink A suit was filed Monday in the Eastern District of Louisiana by plaintiffs the United States of America and the State of Louisiana against defendant American Commercial Barge Line, LLC (ACBL). The plaintiffs filed suit against the defendant per the request of a host of federal and state […]

October 7, 2021

Judge: Mediator will sort claims in Florida condo collapse

Source: Associated Press, October 6, 2021 Posted on: https://www.advisen.com/ Hoping to avoid a bitter and lengthy battle over money by victims, a judge on Wednesday said a mediator will be named to sort through claims arising from the collapse of a South Florida condominium that killed 98 people. The intent is for an agreement to […]

October 6, 2021

Abandoned Oil and Gas Sites Are Leaking Methane Across the Country

Source: https://www.sierraclub.org/, October 6, 2021 By: Jennifer Oldham Twin beige tanks stand amid stately evergreens in Colorado’s Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest. Their only companion is a silent pump jack. The inactive oil and gas site not only mars the view; it is also leaking toxic gases known to accelerate climate change. Video shot by an […]

October 6, 2021

Three companies to pay over $77M for contaminated CA groundwater

Source: https://www.waterworld.com/, October 6, 2021 On September 30, three settlement agreements through the Central District of California’s courts will require three companies to pay $77.6 million for contaminated groundwater cleanup. The companies — Montrose Chemical Corporation of California, Bayer CropScience Inc, TFCF America Inc and Stauffer management Company LLC — agreed to pay for the […]

October 5, 2021

Montrose Chemical Corp. Agrees to $77M in Consent Decrees in 31-Year Lawsuit Over DDT Pollution

Source: https://www.law.com/, October 4, 2021 By: Meghann M. Cuniff A group of defendants led by Montrose Chemical Corp. will pay at least another $77 million to clean up contamination in Los Angeles from a former Montrose dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, or DDT, manufacturing plant in what a veteran litigator hailed as a “milestone” in a 31-year legal saga. Three partial […]


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