RT ECP: Claims - Contr Prof Liability

October 25, 2023

Up in Smoke

Source: Berkley Construction Professional A design-build contractor hired an engineer for a multi-building commercial office complex. The main tenant could  not obtain a certificate of occupancy as the buildings failed their smoke tests due to the negligence of the engineer.  Unfortunately, the design-build contractor permitted the design firm to include a limitation-of-liability clause in its  […]

October 19, 2023

Measure Once, Check Twice

Source: Berkley Construction Professional A design-build contractor placed foundation piles for a high-rise apartment building in incorrect locations due to an error by a land surveyor they hired. The surveyor was uninsured and had gone out of business. The design builder  needed to fund the settlement because there was no other insurance available. The remediation […]

October 18, 2023

Hickory can move forward following $1.3 million arches settlement, mayor says

Source: https://hickoryrecord.com/, October 18, 2023 By: Kevin Griffin Hickory Mayor Hank Guess said Wednesday the city can now move on after reaching a $1.325 million settlement in the collapse of the City Walk arches. “We’re satisfied with the result of the settlement and we’re wanting to move ahead with all the exciting economic development projects […]

October 17, 2023

When it Rains, it Pours

Source Berkley Construction Professional A contractor drilled holes throughout the roof of a hotel while installing a cell phone tower. During a rain storm, a tarp failed to keep the rain out of the hotel.  Water intrusion occurred at several locations within guestrooms, hallways and the main lobby causing microbial damage. The total amount paid […]

October 13, 2023

It’s Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be

Source: Berkley Construction Professional A design-build contractor completed an apartment complex and the owner alleged that concrete cracking throughout the building and on numerous balconies severely impacted the owner’s ability to rent the apartments. It was  determined that the foundation design caused the cracking. Repairs had to be made and the owner also needed to […]

October 10, 2023

Expansion Gone Wrong

Source: Berkley Construction Professional A contractor was hired to complete the expansion of a port facility. The contractor hired subcontractors and failed to  coordinate and schedule the trades correctly. The error in the contractor’s scheduling of the subcontractors correctly  caused delays and significant monetary damage. The total cost to remediate the situation and reimburse the […]

October 10, 2023

City’s lawsuit against splash pad contractors could go to trial in September 2024

Source: https://www.observerlocalnews.com/, October 10, 2023 By: Sierra Williams Palm Coast’s lawsuit against the contractors who built the cracked and peeling splash pad at James F. Holland Park could go to trial in September 2024. Trevor Arnold, an attorney with the GrayRobinson law firm, is the lead attorney on Palm Coast’s suit against twelve different companies […]

October 9, 2023

Mold Mishap

Source: Berkley Construction Professional A construction manager hired and supervised a specialty contractor whose improper work caused mold during the renovation of two buildings at a nursing home facility. Unfortunately, the subcontractor did not have professional/pollution liability insurance which meant that the remediation costs were completely paid by  the construction manager. The total amount paid […]

October 4, 2023

Costly Consequences

Source: Berkley Construction Professional A mechanical contractor underdesigned an HVAC system for a food processing facility. This led to worker illness and the inability of the facility to be utilized for its intended purpose. An outside engineer had to be retained to alter the HVAC system. Damages included lost profits from facility downtime, worker injuries, re-design […]

October 3, 2023

Specialty Contractor

Source: Distinguished Programs A specialty contractor was hired by a general contractor (GC) to design and build a retaining wall for a commercial development. The GC was responsible for the  initial site development and infrastructure. Upon completion, the building developed cracks in both the walls and floors. It was determined that the design of the  […]

September 27, 2023

Concrete Contractor

Source: Distinguished Programs A specialty concrete contractor under a design-build contract for a parking garage hired an engineering firm to  provide the structural specifications. Following construction, the garage owner noticed cracks in the support  columns. The cause was determined to be that the rebar specified in the engineering plan was insufficient to support  the structure. […]

September 26, 2023

Roofing Contractor

Source: Distinguished Programs A roofing contractor was hired to design and install the roof of a new office building including a solar panel array. The design was performed in-house by a  licensed PE employed by the contractor. After the building was complete, the roof collapsed during an ice storm. The PE failed to consider the […]


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