RT ECP: Claims - Contr Prof Liability

June 13, 2013

Witness Notes Communication Lapse in Ontario Mall Collapse Testimony

Source: http://enr.construction.com, June 12, 2013 By: Jonathan Barnes and Richard Korman A communication breakdown at an Ontario engineering firm contributed to flaws in an inspection that failed to detect weaknesses in a mall roof before it collapsed. The engineer who wrote a report based on a visual inspection, stating that the mall roof was sound […]

May 21, 2013

Claim Scenario – Bodily Injury/Civil Engineer

Facts: An employee at an automatic car wash was crushed by a truck when he jumped in front of it to try and stop it. The insured, civil engineer, designed a grading plan for a car wash over 16 years ago. The named insured acquired another firm and the predecessor firm was an additional insured […]

May 21, 2013

Claim Scenario – Property Damage / Condo Claim

Facts: Insured served as the MEP for a 244 unit condo project, under 3 separate contracts. The insured was advised that condensation was forming on windows in several units. The HOA claimed damages in excess of $15,000,000. Claim against the insured: It was alleged that the units did not receive enough fresh air from the […]

April 22, 2013

Subcontractor terminations on design-build projects

Source: http://www.lexology.com, April 17, 2013 By: Joseph C. Staak, Smith Currie & Hancock Owners like design-build construction because it places more risk on the design-builder, which accepts the responsibility for both design and construction. Design-builders have success when they understand these risks, assemble a knowledgeable team, and stick to projects in their comfort zone. Contractors […]

March 28, 2013

Silver Spring Transit Center unsafe and unusable without major repairs, officials say

Source: The Washington Post, March 19, 2013 By: Bill Turque A series of design and construction failures — including inadequate concrete strength and a lack of reinforcing steel — have left the Silver Spring Transit Center unsafe and unusable without major repairs, Montgomery County officials said Tuesday. The problems go far beyond what was previously […]

March 27, 2013

Parties Settle Lawsuit Over Miller Park Roof

Source: ConstructionEquipmentGuide.com The Miller Park stadium district and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of America reached a multimillion-dollar agreement on Jan. 7 to settle a three-year court battle over costly repairs to the ballpark’s retractable roof. With the settlement, the two parties avoided a lengthy jury trial that was scheduled to start Jan 10. The two sides […]

March 27, 2013

Second Contractor Sues Turner Construction over Lane Stadium Delays

Source: Collegiate Times, July 5, 2006 By: Lindsey Pieper And the legal woes of the Lane Stadium expansion drag on. In what may turn out to be a recurring refrain of legality clashes and delays, Turner Construction, the general contractor of the expansion faces yet another lawsuit. In May, the Gate Precast Co. of Jacksonville, […]

March 27, 2013

Stadium construction company files law suit against Tech

Source: Collegiate Times, October 24, 2006 By: Ryan McConnell & Kevin Anderson Turner Construction Company has filed a lawsuit against Virginia Tech, maintaining that it is still owed over $30 million for its expansion and construction work on the West Stands of Lane Stadium. In their case, filed Sept. 13, 2006, Turner alleges that missing […]

March 27, 2013

Stadium construction leads to lawsuits

Source: Journal of Commerce, February 13, 2013 By: Peter Caulfield Two recent high-profile lawsuits involving contracted work on football stadiums in Winnipeg and Vancouver highlight the legal mayhem that can result when teams comprising projects owners, contractors and subcontractors get their signals crossed. In Winnipeg, the $190 million Investors Group Field, the new home of […]

March 19, 2013

County and transit settle lawsuit against Courthouse Square contractor

Source: http://www.statesmanjournal.com, March 14, 2013 By: Michael Rose The last lawsuit filed by Marion County and the transit district over Courthouse Square’s botched development has been settled. Century West Engineering Corp., the company responsible for Courthouse Square’s structural designs, will pay $605,000 a settlement, said Jolene Kelley, a Marion County spokeswoman. The county and Salem-Keizer […]

March 8, 2013

St. Charles firm sues for $13M after green roof collapse in 2011

Source: Daily Herald (IL), March 6, 2013 By: Harry Hitzeman St. Charles-based Aquascape has sued nine contractors, architects and construction firms for $13 million in damages after a section of a green roof at the company’s headquarters collapsed two years ago. The collapse of a 500-foot by 60-foot section of the sloped roof, which contained […]

February 7, 2013

Library officials plan to sue over Lodi structural problems

Source: The Medina-Gazette (OH), February 2, 2013 By: Nick Glunt Lodi Library officials plan to file a lawsuit over the roof of the building, which has been closed more than a year because of structural problems. “We needed to have some inspections done to confirm the problem,” spokeswoman Heather Coontz said. “The problem is the […]


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