RT ECP: Claims - Contr Prof Liability

March 29, 2022

Illinois Appellate Court Finds No CGL Coverage for Defective Elevator Suit

Source:https://www.jdsupra.com/, March 28, 2022 In the recent decision of Korte & Luitjohan Contractors Inc. v. Erie Insurance Exchange, the Fifth District Appellate Court of Illinois reaffirmed that, under Illinois law: (1) construction defects generally do not trigger coverage under commercial general liability insurance policies; (2) such policies generally do not cover the cost to repair construction […]

March 25, 2022

2 workers killed in Florida wall collapse

Source: https://www.constructiondive.com/, March 24, 2022 By: Zachary Phillips Two construction workers died Tuesday morning when a concrete wall collapsed on them at the Riverwalk Plaza construction project in Boynton Beach, Florida, north of Fort Lauderdale. At roughly 10:14 a.m., Boynton Beach police and rescue crews responded to a call about the incident and located the […]

January 7, 2022

Millennium Tower Now Tilting 3 Inches Per Year, According to Fix Engineer

Source: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/, January 6, 2022 By: Jaxon Van Derbeken The engineer responsible for the troubled fix of the Millennium Tower acknowledged Thursday that the building is continuing to tilt about 3 inches a year since work began. He also revealed that his team did not provide any instructions to the fix contractor on ways to prevent the […]

December 23, 2021

Developer of 1,396ft NYC megatower on Billionaires’ Row denies the building is faulty in $125 million lawsuit brought by the board over flooding, creaking walls and malfunctioning elevators

Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/, December22, 2021 By: James Gordon The developer of 432 Park Avenue, the tallest apartment building in New York City that sits on Billionaires’ Row overlooking Central Park, has responded to a $125 million lawsuit that was filed by the condominium’s board earlier this year. The lawsuit alleged that the building suffered from leaks, flooding, creaking walls […]

December 15, 2021

The Hidden Defects Lurking in Many Commercial Buildings

Source: https://www.propmodo.com/, December 9, 2021 By: Nick Pipitone Many building owners may have been thinking about construction defects over the summer after the condo collapse in Surfside, Florida. The tragic collapse of the Champlain Towers South killed 98 people and set off a frantic search-and-rescue effort amid the rubble and debris that lasted for 14 […]

December 15, 2021

Year in review: top California construction insurance decisions of 2021

Source: https://www.reuters.com/, December 13, 2021 By: Ashley B. Jordan and Kathryn Bayes The construction industry is a key contributor to California’s economy. According to the Associated General Contractors of America, in 2019, the construction sector contributed $118.1 billion of the state’s total gross domestic product. The recently signed federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is […]

December 14, 2021

Houston Bridge’s Revised Design Adds $300M to Price

Source: https://www.enr.com/, December 1, 2021 By: James Leggate Officials in Texas have settled on plans to replace a flawed design for the new Houston Ship Channel bridge project over safety concerns, with an added build cost of nearly $300 million on top of the original $962 million price. The new design for the 4.1-mile bridge, […]

December 8, 2021

Wisconsin condo building evacuated due to structural defects

Source: https://dailyreporter.com/, December 3, 2021 A six-story condominium building has been evacuated in a Milwaukee suburb after engineers found the structure was in imminent danger of collapsing. Police and firefighters cleared the 48-unit Horizon West condominium building in Waukesha on Thursday night after an engineering report said its structural columns were compromised. Read more.

December 6, 2021

‘Significant’ flaws: Partially built Beltway 8 Bridge over Houston Ship Channel will be demolished due to design errors

Source: https://www.chron.com/, December 1, 2021 Jay R. Jordan Harris County commissioners voted Tuesday to demolish and rebuild parts of the under-construction Beltway 8 bridge over the Houston Ship Channel after the original designs were found to have “significant” flaws. The setback will cost the county $291 million, including $50 million to demolish some sections that […]

November 16, 2021

Out with Lonergan, In with Spearin: Texas Legislature Provides Contractors with Limited Protection for Defective Plans and Designs

Source: https://www.natlawreview.com/, November 12, 2021 As of September 1, 2021, in a change to Texas case law that had been in place for over a century, Texas contractors now have protection in certain circumstances from liability for defective plans and specifications provided to the contractor by someone else. In the 1907 Texas Supreme Court case Lonergan […]

November 1, 2021

Design Error Leads to Building Settlement

Design build contractor responsible for 11-story dormitory for University housing.  Deep foundation package was a design-build subcontract.  Geotechnical study was commissioned and subcontracted by the design build contractor.  Differential settlement was specified to be no more than ½”.  Construction of the rammed-aggregate pier system completed with no apparent issues.  Installation of the building cast-in-place concrete […]

November 1, 2021

Surveyor Sued After Erroneously Plots Points for Construction

Design build contractor responsible for surveying activities of a coastal commercial property in Florida.  Surveyor plots the points for the construction of the building and foundation.  The foundation is laid with sub-terrain electrical and plumbing complete. The contractor discovers that the surveyor failed to take into account the required municipal 2 feet setback and construction […]


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