RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

April 16, 2018

New York Court Affirms Gas Company on the Hook for Environmental Cleanup Costs

Source: https://www.insurancejournal.com. April 16, 2018 By: Elizabeth Blosfield The New York Court of Appeals has ruled that KeySpan Gas East Corporation is responsible for costs to clean up environmental contamination caused by manufactured gas plants owned by its predecessor during years when there was no pollution property damage liability insurance coverage available in the market. […]

April 16, 2018

A Decade of Environmental Claims

Source: Great American Insurance Group, Environmental Insider, April 2018 Site Redevelopment: A site which had been purchased five years prior and insured under a premises policy was being redeveloped into multi-family residential units. During the development process, soil was being removed from the basement and testing revealed lead and other wastes. Upon further testing, a […]

April 12, 2018


This article discusses the fundamental design difficulties of the fully automated baggage system originally planned for the New Denver Airport, and their implications for airport and airline management. Theory, industrial experience, and the reality at Denver emphasize the difficulty of achieving acceptable standards of performance when novel, complex systems are operating near capacity. United Airlines […]

April 12, 2018

Case Study: The New Terminal 2E at Paris – Charles De Gaulle Airport

Airport Systems Planning, Design & Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Read here.

April 12, 2018

Pittsburgh International Airport Parking Garage Precast Double T Structural Defects

Source: https://failures.wikispaces.com By: James Chavanic, Candidate BAE/MAE Architectural Engineering (Structural) 2013, Pennsylvania State University Pittsburgh International Airport Parking Garage  Precast Double-T Structural Defects Pittsburgh, PA (1998) Key Terms Parking Garage, Precast Concrete, Double Tee, Carbon Fiber, FRP, Shear Failure, Performance Failure, Dapped, Prestress Introduction The short-term parking facility at the Pittsburgh International Airport was built […]

March 29, 2018

New York Court Affirms Gas Company on the Hook for Environmental Cleanup Costs

Source: https://www.insurancejournal.com, March 29, 2018 By: Elizabeth Blosfield The New York Court of Appeals has ruled that KeySpan Gas East Corporation is responsible for costs to clean up environmental contamination caused by manufactured gas plants owned by its predecessor during years when there was no pollution property damage liability insurance coverage available in the market. […]

March 21, 2018

Contractors strikes gas main in Mercer County

Source: http://6abc.com, March 19, 2018 A contractor struck a six-inch gas main in Hamilton Township, Mercer County on Monday. Calls starting coming in around 1 p.m. for a strong smell of gas in the area of the township known as Five Points. The intersection was closed and traffic was being diverted through the neighborhoods. Chopper […]

March 21, 2018

Major design change altered FIU bridge cost, schedule

Source: http://www.gainesville.com, March 21, 2018 It is still unclear if the design change contributed to the failure. Construction of the pedestrian bridge that collapsed and killed six people in the Miami area was behind schedule and millions over budget, in part because of a key change in the design and placement of one of its […]

March 15, 2018


Source: http://www.njspotlight.com, March 13, 2018 By: Tom Johnson Natural-resources damage suit involves three oil companies who contaminated groundwater with potentially carcinogenic gasoline additive The Murphy administration yesterday said it has settled cases with three oil companies who have agreed to pay nearly $200 million for polluting water with a potential human carcinogen. Attorney General Gurbir […]

February 28, 2018

Court affirms Conrail not entitled to pollution coverage

Source: http://www.businessinsurance.com, February 27, 2018 By: Judy Greenwald A Pennsylvania state appeals court has affirmed a lower court ruling and held the Consolidated Rail Corp. is not entitled to pollution coverage under policies issued by a Berkshire Hathaway Group unit and Continental Insurance Co. The ruling by the Superior Court of Pennsylvania in Harrisburg in Consolidated […]

February 27, 2018

Shelburne business stuck with cleaning PCE contamination Cleaning up a 20 year PCE Contamination

Source: http://www.wcax.com, February 27, 2018 By: Taylor Young A Shelburne business owner is warning others after he says he unknowingly purchased property contaminated with PCE. “It’s just been challenging,” said Sean Ryan, the owner of Elegant Floors. From 1996 to 2000, a dry cleaning business occupied his building. Ryan has a black plastic bag taped […]

February 15, 2018

Minnesota vs. 3M: A guide to the $5 billion mega-trial

Source: https://www.twincities.com, February 11, 2018 By: Bob Shaw Call it the $5 billion Teflon trial — Minnesota’s biggest environmental lawsuit ever. When the trial of the State of Minnesota vs. 3M Co. starts Feb. 20, it will pit the state against what may be its most-loved company. The state attorney general will be taking on a […]


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