RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

October 19, 2016

Company denying blame for Hogans Creek pollution banked millions from insurance, court filing says

Source: http://jacksonville.com, October 17, 2016 By: Steve Patterson A company fighting a city lawsuit over old industrial pollution around Jacksonville’s Hogans Creek has collected $4 million from environmental insurance policies a second company says show liability, papers filed by the second company say. That second company, Houston Pipe Line, says the payments show Continental Holdings […]

October 6, 2016

Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance/Landfill: Federal District Court (Ohio) Addresses "Known Conditions" Exclusion

Source: http://www.lexology.com, September 22, 2016 By: Walter Wright and Rachel Hildebrand, Mitchell Williams Selig Gates & Woodyard PLLC An Ohio federal district court addressed whether a landfill operator’s insurer was obligated under a claims-based Environmental Impairment Liability (“EIL”) policy to defend and indemnify against claims concerning odors emanating from the landfill. See Tunnell Hill Reclamation, […]

September 22, 2016

HUD proposes new lead-based paint rule to protect kids

Source: http://www.crainsdetroit.com, September 19, 2016 By: Saulius Mikalonis “Because lead-based paint is the most important source of lead exposure for young children, the first essential element of primary prevention is implementation of strategies to control lead paint-contaminated house dust and soil and poorly maintained lead paint in housing.” — Preventing Lead Poisoning in Young Children, […]

August 12, 2016

Despite Pollution Exclusion, Insurer On Hook for Contamination in Indiana

Source: http://www.lexology.com, August 9, 2016 By: Andrew H. Perellis, Patrick D. Joyce and Craig B. Simonsen, Seyfarth Shaw LLP Seyfarth Synopsis: The Northern District of Indiana rejected the insurer’s assertion that its pollution exclusion clauses unambiguously included all contaminants. Indiana, unlike other jurisdictions, is pro-insured when it comes to providing coverage for damages arising from […]

August 4, 2016

Federal Environmental Requirements for Construction

Source: http://www.cem.va.gov What Do You Need to Consider? Do you perform clearing, grading, or excavation activities? Do you build roads, golf courses, playing fields, homes, or buildings? Are you involved in demolition activities? Will you discharge dredged or fill material to a waterway or wetland? Are you involved in tunnel or pipeline projects? If so, […]

July 5, 2016

Hartford units must cover contractor for nuclear facility accident

Source: http://www.businessinsurance.com, June 30, 2016 By: Judy Greenwald Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. units are obligated to indemnify an engineering company in connection with an industrial accident at a nuclear power plant that killed one worker and injured several others, says a federal appeals court, in partially reversing a lower court ruling. The U.S. Court […]

June 23, 2016

Schuette: Firms made Flint’s water crisis ‘worse’

Source: http://www.detroitnews.com, June 22, 2016 By: Jonathan Oosting Attorney General Bill Schuette on Wednesday sued a pair of engineering firms for allegedly allowing the Flint water contamination crisis to “occur, continue and worsen,” a claim the companies denied and vowed to fight. Schuette filed the civil lawsuit in Genesee County Circuit Court against Veolia North […]

June 15, 2016

Contractor Can Ask the Feds to Clean Up Its Mess

Source: http://www.courthousenews.com, June 13, 2016 By: Elizabeth Warmerdam A defense contractor responsible for cleaning up pollution at a facility where most munitions manufacturing was done under contracts with the U.S. military can seek cost recovery from the government, the Ninth Circuit ruled Monday. Whittaker Corporation manufactured and tested munitions for the government at a facility […]

June 10, 2016

Bluff City not covered if it loses $300,000 sewer lawsuit

Source: http://www.heraldcourier.com, Jun 10, 2016 By: Lurah Spell If Bluff City loses the $300,000 lawsuit filed against it by a family that claims property damage due to sewage overflows, it will likely be on its own because the city’s insurance policy doesn’t cover that kind of damage. Tommy, Mary and Robin Moore filed the lawsuit […]

May 13, 2016

Because Spills Happen, Oil and Gas Contractors Need Insurance

Source: http://www.canadianunderwriter.ca, May 12, 2016 The oil and gas businesses are messy ones, as contractors who work in those fields can attest. That’s because accidents happen, as they do in just about any other industry. But because of that risk, it’s important for contractors working for oil and gas companies to have their own insurance […]

April 20, 2016

Judge: No insurance reimbursement for River Ridge

Source: http://www.newsandtribune.com, April 19, 2016 By: Elizabeth Beilman Board still hoping to receive $1 mil back for environmental policy An ongoing fight for reimbursement of $1 million worth of environmental insurance between the River Ridge Development Authority and the U.S. Army is not over. Last month, the U.S. Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals granted […]

April 14, 2016

Georgia Supreme Court Denies Coverage for Lead-Based Paint Injuries Based on the Pollution Exclusion

Source: http://www.lexology.com, April 12, 2016 By: Thomas C. Blatchley, Gordon & Rees LLP In a matter of first impression, the Georgia Supreme Court recently held that personal injury claims arising from lead poisoning due to lead-based paint ingestion were excluded from coverage under an absolute pollution exclusion in a commercial general liability insurance policy covering […]


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