RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

April 20, 2016

Judge: No insurance reimbursement for River Ridge

Source: http://www.newsandtribune.com, April 19, 2016 By: Elizabeth Beilman Board still hoping to receive $1 mil back for environmental policy An ongoing fight for reimbursement of $1 million worth of environmental insurance between the River Ridge Development Authority and the U.S. Army is not over. Last month, the U.S. Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals granted […]

April 14, 2016

Georgia Supreme Court Denies Coverage for Lead-Based Paint Injuries Based on the Pollution Exclusion

Source: http://www.lexology.com, April 12, 2016 By: Thomas C. Blatchley, Gordon & Rees LLP In a matter of first impression, the Georgia Supreme Court recently held that personal injury claims arising from lead poisoning due to lead-based paint ingestion were excluded from coverage under an absolute pollution exclusion in a commercial general liability insurance policy covering […]

April 13, 2016

Exxon pays $10.7 million for N.Y. pollution cleanups

Source: Times Union (Albany, NY), April 8, 2016 Posted on: http://www.advisen.com Oil giant Exxon Mobil has paid the largest single settlement ever into a four-decade-old state fund that cleans up oil and petroleum spills. The company is paying $10.75 million to the taxpayer-supported Environmental Protection and Oil Spill Fund to cover the state’s costs in […]

March 28, 2016

Greenport Village files $10 million lawsuit against engineering firm

Source: https://suffolktimes.timesreview.com, March 19, 2016 By: Tim Gannon The Village of Greenport has filed a lawsuit against the engineering firm that designed its $5.8 million power plant upgrade. The lawsuit filed Feb. 2 seeks more than $10 million in damages from Genesys Engineering and claims the Pelham-based company was negligent, breached agreements and didn’t provide certain services. Village officials […]

February 16, 2016

KB Home to settle on statewide construction defects

Source: Orlando Sentinel (FL), February 15, 2016 Posted on: http://www.advisen.com KB Home reached a settlement with the Florida Attorney General’s Office involving construction defects, failure to disclosure problems to buyers and denial of home-warranty claims for 1,688 houses across the state. At the core of the state’s three-year investigation were construction defects that led to […]

February 12, 2016

Rapid cleanup sought for Marinwood’s former dry cleaner site

Source: http://www.marinij.com, February 11, 2016 By: Stephanie Weldy Marinwood community members gathered this week to call for a faster, more aggressive approach to cleaning up contaminants from a former dry cleaner at Marinwood Plaza. Some want more teeth in the cleanup proposal headed to regulators; many just want cleanup to get underway as soon as […]

February 12, 2016

NYDEC to air remedy plan for cleaners site

Source: http://www.newsday.com, February 12, 2016 By: Lauren R. Harrison The New York Department of Environmental Conservation plans to hold a public meeting in Commack to discuss a dry cleaners listed as a “significant threat” to public health or the environment in the state registry of inactive hazardous waste sites. State DEC officials plan to hold […]

January 28, 2016

Illinois Appellate Court Rejects Insurer Contention That “Broad and General” Pollution Exclusion Barred Mold-Related Claims

Source: http://www.lexology.com, January 28, 2016 By: Alexander J. Bandza, Jenner & Block Certain jurisdictions interpret the pollution exclusion more expansively than others, but a recent Illinois decision interpreting Texas law suggests that this expansiveness has its limits.  In re Liquidation of Legion Indemnity Company, 2015 IL App (1st) 140452 (Ill. App. Ct. Nov. 10, 2015).  Legion concerned […]

October 22, 2015

When an Exception to the “Mold Exclusion” Exposes Carriers to More Than Just Fungi or Bacteria

Source: http://www.jdsupra.com, October 21, 2015 By: Eric Cheng, Wilson Elser The recent New York City outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease (named for a 1976 outbreak of a type of pneumonia at an American Legion convention) has raised awareness of the illness. It has also renewed the courts’ interest in interpreting the Mold Exclusion. In the recent […]

September 18, 2015

Cleanup continues at old dry cleaner

Source: http://www.wausaudailyherald.com, September 18, 2015 By: Nora G. Hertel It doesn’t look like much is happening on the contaminated site of an old dry cleaner on Wausau’s Second Avenue. But machines have been working for the past year to clear lingering chemicals there, and neighbors will clear some overgrown foliage on the plot this weekend. The city’s Community Development Authority […]

September 11, 2015

Insurer must defend asbestos exposure lawsuit, California court rules

Source: http://www.lexology.com, August 27, 2015 By: Amy B. Briggs, Donna M. Carlton, Christine Spinella Davis, David B. Killalea, Stephen T. Raptis and Robert H. Shulman, Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP Why it matters: A California federal judge has ruled that an insurer had a duty to defend an apartment owner and its construction contractor in connection […]

August 14, 2015

Insurers not liable in Minnesota farm pollution case

Source: http://greatlakesecho.org, August 14, 2015 By: Eric Freedman Neighbors of a now-defunct dairy operation in northwestern Minnesota have failed for a second time to hold the farm’s insurers responsible for pollution-related problems from manure lagoons on the property. A unanimous state Court of Appeals panel ruled that insurance policies for the former farm near Thief […]


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