RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

March 15, 2013

United States: Pennsylvania Makes Its Mark On National Chinese Drywall Coverage Dispute With "One Occurrence" Decision

Source: http://www.mondaq.com, March 12, 2013 By: Andrea Cortland, Cozen O’Connor On February 15, 2013 a Pennsylvania federal district court held that the shipment of defective drywall from China to the United States constituted one “occurrence” for purposes of insurance coverage, and the occurrence took place when the damage caused by the drywall manifested itself in […]

March 5, 2013

Health officials tracing source of chemicals that sickened Hopkins workers

Source: The Baltinore Sun, February 28, 2013 By: Scott Dance Faulty boiler systems caused similar poisonings in 1990s New Jersey Health officials continue to investigate how contaminated hot water sickened nearly two dozen people at the Johns Hopkins at Keswick complex Monday, but the case is similar to previous ones involving faulty water-heating systems that […]

February 14, 2013

San Mateo Creek: Water leak kills fish

Source: http://www.sfgate.com, February 12, 2013 By: Peter Fimrite and Kevin Fagan A broken pipe sent thousands of gallons of drinking water cascading into San Mateo Creek over the weekend, killing scores, possibly thousands, of fish from chlorine poisoning. The dead fish began floating to the surface Saturday when a thousand gallons a minute of chlorinated […]

February 8, 2013

Cleanup Begins in Paint-Polluted Torne Valley

Source: Rockland County Times (NY), February 7, 2013 By: Michael Riconda After decades of problems in the Torne Valley due to contamination from the dumping of paint sludge, the Ford Motor Company finally begun hazardous waste cleanup near the Ramapo River on January 28. Cleanup was initiated last Monday, focusing upon Operable Unit 1 (OU1), […]

February 4, 2013

Plant Scherer pollution claims prompt wave of lawsuits

Source: The Telegraph (GA), January 31, 2013 By: S. Heather Duncan Gary Sharp had lived in Juliette near Plant Scherer almost 15 years when he was diagnosed with lung cancer last year. He’s never smoked. But he’s seen something like light gray mud hauled out of the plant and slopped all over Ga. 87 in […]

January 30, 2013

Got Mold?

Source: XL Group Insurance, Construction Insider, January 2013 By: Kimberly MacDonald & Marlin Zechman Chances are everyone reading this article has observed or experienced mold in some form or another. Whether it was a damp, dark basement where you could smell the musty odor or your college dorm bathroom where cleaning was not at the […]

January 29, 2013

More Fracking Means More Liability

Source: http://www.globest.com, January 28, 2013 By: Antoinette Martin In the wake of several multi-million dollar settlements over pollution caused by hydraulic fracturing, including two in this state, a New York legal specialist has published an article called “Fracking Know-How” for property owners and insurers. LeClairRyan partner Michael J. Case writes in this month’s issue of […]

January 28, 2013

California Fracking Lawsuit Charges State Has Done Insufficient Job Of Regulating Practice

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com, January 25, 2013 By: Aaron Sankin An environmental group has filed suit against the state of California for doing what it deemed an insufficient job of regulating the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” In a complaint filed in Alameda County Superior Court earlier this week, the Arizona-based Center For Biological Diversity […]

January 24, 2013

Princeton joins PCB lawsuit

Source: The Landmark, January 24, 2013 By: Phyllis Booth Princeton has joined other Massachusetts school districts in a class action lawsuit involving PCBs in school buildings. Princeton’s involvement in the suit concerns the PCBs at Thomas Prince School. At their Jan. 14 meeting, selectmen voted to authorize Town Administrator John Lebeaux to engage the New […]

January 4, 2013

Melrose Park book plant accused of air pollution

Source: Chicago Tribune, December 27, 2012 By: Jennifer Delgado State sues firm, contending it broke law in installing 10 printing presses Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed a lawsuit Thursday against a west suburban bookbinding and printing plant that she said illegally installed equipment that contributes to air pollution. The 77-page suit, filed in Cook […]

January 4, 2013

South County sewage plant administrator sued over 2010 spill

Source: The Tribune, San Luis Obispo, CA, January 2, 2013 By: Cynthia Lambert Two years after raw sewage flooded from a South County wastewater treatment plant into an Oceano neighborhood and backed up into some homes, seven residents have sued the administrator of the facility. In a lawsuit filed Dec. 18, the residents allege that […]

December 14, 2012

Resurgent mold litigation in Sandy's wake

Source: http://www.lexology.com, December 1, 2012 By: William A. Ruskin, Epstein Becker Green There is a significant risk that there will be a resurgence of mold claims and mold litigation in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Sandy left behind thousands of homes and offices in New York and New Jersey with flood-soaked flooring and sheet rock […]


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