RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

December 12, 2012

150 families sue over Jackson-area pipeline spill

Source: http://www.equities.com, December 4, 2012 By: Don Behm, Milwaukee Journal Sentinal One hundred fifty families in Washington County are seeking compensation for property, health and emotional damage from the owner and operator of a fuel pipeline that spilled gasoline July 17 in a farm pasture in the Town of Jackson. In a lawsuit filed Monday […]

December 11, 2012

Hypothermia and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Cases Soar in City After Hurricane

Source: New York Times Online, November 29, 2012 Posted on: http://specialfpn1.advisen.com The number of cold-exposure cases in New York City tripled in the weeks after Hurricane Sandy struck compared with the same period in previous years, the health department reported in an alert to thousands of doctors and other health care providers on Wednesday. And […]

December 6, 2012

SC Landfill Operator Sued

Read here about a landfill operator in South Carolina who is being sued over odors.

December 6, 2012

Mold economic injury claim rejected

Source: http://www.lexology.com, November 2, 2012 By: Sean Wajert, Shook Hardy & Bacon LLP The issue of mold-related litigation remains of interest to our readers, perhaps even more so in the aftermath of the widespread damage from Sandy. Recently a federal judge rejected claims alleging that Welk Resort San Diego allowed mold to grow in its […]

November 12, 2012

Lexington schools sue PCB makers in federal court

Source: http://bostonglobe.com, October 4, 2012 By: Brock Parker Lexington has filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking damages on behalf of itself and other Massachusetts school districts affected by potentially harmful levels of chemicals known as PCBs. The suit, against Pharmacia Corp., Solutia Inc., and Monsanto Co., claims the makers of polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, […]

October 26, 2012

Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against PCB Makers

Source: http://www.sokolovelaw.com, October 22,2012 By: Sokolove Law Staff A Massachusetts town has filed a class-action chemical exposure lawsuit against three chemical companies over the potential harm caused by high levels of chemicals known as PCBs. The lawsuit seeks damages on behalf of Lexington and other school districts of Massachusetts with school buildings that are affected […]

August 15, 2012

Valero sues over 2008 tank rupture

Source: http://www.mysanantonio.com, August 8, 2012 By: Patrick Danner Almost four years to the day an explosion at Valero Energy Corp.’s Houston refinery led to the release of dangerous sulfur compounds, the company has sued four companies over the incident. A Valero partnership claims in lawsuit filed Thursday that the Aug. 4, 2008, incident was the […]

July 16, 2012

Class action suit against landfill odors threatened

Source: http://www.mercurynews.com, July 12, 2012 By: Ian Bauer, Milpitas Post Out-of-town lawyers specializing in class action lawsuits about pet food recalls, sewage backups and odors generated by landfills say they plan to file a class action suit against the operators of the Newby Island Landfill and Resource Recovery Park on the Milpitas-San Jose border. Evans […]

June 28, 2012

New York Court Clarifies Liability Threshold for Mold Infestation

Source: http://www.agentsofamerica.org By: Michael Zigelman, Esq. and Kirsten Ennis, Esq. of Kaufman Dolowich Voluck & Gonzo LLP Although New York City real estate landlords and co-op and condo board members typically do not inhabit the properties they own and manage, a recent First Department decision gives them reason to fear the impact of mold infestation. After […]

June 5, 2012

Lawsuits over Doe Run lead smelter could continue for years

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, June 4, 2012 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com In a St. Louis courtroom last month, attorneys geared up for a trial more than a year away that will center on whether 17 children allegedly poisoned by the lead smelter in Herculaneum can prove their ailments deserve compensation. The lawsuit is one of several […]

May 7, 2012

Nuisance Odor Results in $2.3 Million in Damages

Source: Marketing Weekly News, May 5, 2012 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Last month, The State published a news story about a federal jury awarding six residents of Bishopville, South Carolina with a $2.3 million verdict. The residents had complained and filed a lawsuit against a landfill owner for nuisance odors that they claimed made their life miserable. […]

April 30, 2012

IA Plant Sued Over Pollution

Read here about a lawsuit filed against a corn plant in Iowa because of significant pollution emitted from the plant.


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