RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

June 15, 2011

Possible Mold Infestation Closes Langdon, N.H., School

Source: http://www.redorbit.com, February 26, 2006 By: Josh Adams, Eagle Times, Claremont, N.H. Concerns over a possible mold infestation at the Sarah Porter School in Langdon have prompted the school district to close the building for at least a portion of next week. SAU 60 Superintendent Joe Della Badia confirmed Thursday that students will attend classes at the […]

June 15, 2011

Part of City Hall crumbling: Despite de-molding and plywood reinforcements, Key West's City Hall is still a mess and may not survive a Category 2 hurricane

Source: The Miami Herald, February 26, 2006 By: Jennifer Babson In Key West’s crumbling City Hall annex, wires protrude from ceilings, workers have glued plywood to keep concrete beams from falling, and an air-circulation problem has given the mayor a severe case of itchy eyes. “It’s bad,” sniffled Mayor Morgan McPherson. “I’m taking steroids now.” […]

June 15, 2011

Seymour files suit against school architects

Source: http://www.allbusiness.com, September 7, 2007 By: Matthew Higbee, Connecticut Post, Bridgeport The town has sued the architectural firm that designed the middle school over a recurring moisture problem that is cracking the ground floor in several classrooms and causing mold to appear. The lawsuit, filed against Fletcher Thompson Architects in Milford Superior Court on Wednesday, […]

June 14, 2011

Ciba-Geigy Corp. settles toxic waste lawsuit with Toms River homeowners for $20 million

Source: http://www.app.com, June 13, 2011 By: Erik Larsen A $20 million settlement has been reached between the former Ciba-Geigy Corp. and thousands of people who contended that the value of their property was diminished by the dumping of toxic waste near their homes in Toms River. The plaintiffs in the class-action lawsuit represent those residents […]

June 13, 2011

Insurance could ease Big Dig costs

Source: The Boston Globe, August 1, 2006 The Big Dig has at least $800 million in insurance coverage that would pay for much of the repair bills, inspection costs, and lawsuits stemming from the deadly Interstate 90 connector tunnel ceiling collapse, according to a memo that circulated yesterday among state lawmakers. The memo, from the […]

June 13, 2011

TN Contractor Pays Over $6M in Fraud Settlement

Read here about a Tennessee Valley Authority Contractor that agreed to pay over $6 million to the federal government to settle a fraud investigation.

June 13, 2011

DJ New York State AG Sues Exxon Mobil Over Brooklyn Oil Spill

Source: Dow Jones Newswires, July 17, 2007 By: Matthew Dalton New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo sued Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) on Tuesday to force a cleanup of oil and hazardous waste dumped into a creek that divides the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District […]

June 13, 2011

State Settles Well Contamination Lawsuit in Dodge County

Source: http://www.midwestadvocates.org, July 19, 2006 Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager announced today that her office has both filed and settled an environmental lawsuit in Dodge County Circuit Court against Nehls Brothers Farms, Ltd. Under the settlement, Nehls Brothers agrees to the following: Nehls Brothers will pay over $42,000 to reimburse three near-by well owners for their […]

June 7, 2011

Opposing sides continue to spar over study that links oil, gas drilling to groundwater contamination

Source: Greeley Tribune (Colorado), June 5, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Last month, researchers at Duke University unleashed a mini bombshell on the oil and gas industry with a study demonstrating a strong link between oil and gas drilling and groundwater contamination. But no sooner did their study come out that many refuted its findings, stating […]

June 2, 2011

Concern Over Mold at CT High School

Read here about health concerns resulting from mold at a Connecticut high school.

June 2, 2011

MO Tornado Leads to Environmental Hazards

Read here about the environmental hazards that have been sparked by the tornado in Joplin, Missouri.

May 31, 2011

EPA to remove contaminated soil from Nepera Superfund site

Source: http://www.strausnews.com, May 27, 2011 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Tuesday released a plan to remove contaminated soil from the site of former lagoons at the Nepera Chemical Company Superfund site in Hamptonburgh. The 29.3-acre site is a former industrial waste disposal facility. Between 1953 and 1967, lagoons at the site received approximately 50,000 […]


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