RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

April 5, 2011

University Place to rid parks of tainted soil

Source: The News Tribune, Tacoma, WA, March 29, 2011 By: Christian Hill Later this year, crews will remove arsenic-contaminated soil from play areas at three popular University Place parks – Curran Apple Orchard, Sunset Terrace Park and Colegate/Curtis Playfield. Workers will also do minor cleanup at Cirque/Bridgeport Park. Tests by the state Department of Ecology […]

March 31, 2011

In brief: Storage company fined for 2007 ammonia leak

Source: Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA), March 29, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Empire Cold Storage will pay a $67,142 fine for failing to report the release of an estimated 400 pounds of anhydrous ammonia in 2007 from its Spokane warehouse. No injuries were reported from the leak on July 14, 2007, which occurred over about three hours […]

March 31, 2011

Palm Harbor, Champion Look To Settle Hurricane Housing Lawsuit

Source: Dow Jones News Service, March 28, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A group of companies — including two currently ensnared in bankruptcy proceedings — that provided emergency housing to victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita is looking to dole out $2.625 million to settle claims that they exposed individuals to hazardous levels of formaldehyde. Palm […]

March 31, 2011

St. Louis to get $26.5 million from Velsicol and others in water settlement

Source: http://themorningsun.com, March 30, 2011 By: Linda Gittleman After five long years of negotiations, St. Louis has reached a $26.5 million settlement in its suit against Velcisol Chemical Co. and others over contamination of the city’s water supply. In special meetings on Sunday and again on Tuesday, the St. Louis City Council unanimously approved the […]

March 30, 2011

Socorro-Horizon wastewater fight goes on

Source: El Paso Times (TX), March 28, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A fight between the Horizon Municipal Utility District and the city of Socorro over a wastewater discharge project here continues. Most recently, a district judge ruled the Horizon Municipal Utility District has to get proper permits to continue with the project. However, Benny Davis, […]

March 28, 2011

Resident: Gas-spill settlement unfair

Source: http://standardspeaker.com, March 24,2011 By: Kent Jackson A machine still filters groundwater where gasoline seeped into a Hazleton neighborhood nearly two decades ago, triggering a $25 million cleanup and lawsuits that ended this week. By Wednesday, most of the 258 families hadn’t heard the terms of the settlements reached two days before in their suits […]

March 28, 2011

Contaminated soil to be removed from St. Joe State Park

Source: http://www.dailyjournalonline.com, March 26, 2011 By: Paula Barr Lead-contaminated soil will be removed in St. Joe Park’s off-road vehicle (ORV) riding areas and other sections of the park as part of a new agreement among the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Doe Run Resources Corporation and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Division of […]

March 28, 2011

Building owner guilty in asbestos case

Source: http://www.telegram.com, March 26, 2011 By: Martin Luttrell The owner of the Bancroft Commons apartment building downtown pleaded guilty in Suffolk Superior Court in Boston yesterday to the improper removal and disposal of asbestos and for failing to provide pay records and evading unemployment insurance payments. Worcester Commons LLC and JM Realty Management Inc., real estate […]

March 28, 2011

National Guard gun-cleaner was pollution source at Solano site

Source: Las Cruces Sun-News, March 27, 2011 By: Diana M. Alba The National Guard’s use of a gun-cleaning chemical for more than four decades at a former armory site off North Solano Drive is to blame for most groundwater pollution at a federally designated cleanup site, a city-county study found. And, officials with the city […]

March 28, 2011

Asbestos found in Uptown Kingston canopies

Source: Daily Freeman, Kingston, NY, March 23, 2011 Contractors working on refurbishing the sidewalk canopies in the city’s Uptown business district have found asbestos that will have to be removed, Mayor James Sottile said on Tuesday. Sottile said the amount of asbestos is unknown and that a deeper examination will be needed. The mayor said […]

March 28, 2011

Lynnfield asbestos removal company, owners indicted

Source: http://www.itemlive.com A Lynnfield asbestos removal company, its owners and an employee have been indicted for the improper removal and disposal of asbestos for work performed on numerous public and private buildings in the city of Lynn, Beverly and Marblehead, Attorney General Martha Coakley announced in a press release. AEI Environmental, LLC (AEI), David Harder, […]

March 28, 2011

Dollar Tree Store in Newport fined for asbestos violations; repairs scheduled

Source: http://www.oregonlive.com, March 23, 2011 The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division has fined a Newport retailer for asbestos violations. OSHA issued three citations, totaling $300 in fines, to the Dollar Tree Store for failure to identify the asbestos, repair or remove it and for failing to provide employees with an awareness training course. The […]


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