RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

February 28, 2011

Pa. suspends air pollution controls at drilling sites

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PA), February 26, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Just a week after repealing a policy requiring an environmental assessment of Marcellus Shale gas well permit proposals in state parks, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has announced it is suspending and reconsidering key air pollution controls governing the drilling industry. The latest policy […]

February 24, 2011

$4.3M mold verdict buried in litigation

Source: The Times Tribune, Scranton, PA, February 24, 2011 By: Steve McConnell A $4.3 million toxic mold jury verdict in October involving two homeowners, their ruined “dream” home, a North Pocono township and a private contractor remains buried in litigation. More money, or a lengthy appeals process, could be at stake, according to recent court […]

February 23, 2011

Drilling Deeper into the Marcellus Shale Supply Chain

Source: Risk and Insurance, February 22, 2011 By: Dan Reynolds, senior editor of Risk & Insurance Carriers look to “mine” coverage for smaller contractors and subcontractors working to uncork Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale natural gas reserves. The natural gas trapped in the shale layers running from below the Finger Lakes in New York to western Virginia […]

February 23, 2011

Chinese Drywall Case Moves Forward, Could Test Pollution Exclusion

Source: BestWire Services, February 22, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Insurers could be facing a test of their pollution exclusions as the complex multidistrict litigation involving allegedly defective Chinese drywall moves forward. Judge Eldon E. Fallon of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana rejected eight commercial general liability insurers’ contention that the […]

February 23, 2011

Owner of 20 Jiffy Lubes pays $130,000 fine for environmental violations

Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA), February 23, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The owner of 20 Jiffy Lube stores in Santa Clara and Contra Costa counties has paid a $130,000 fine for violating environmental regulations, the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office announced. Jiffy Lubes owned by M.C. LLC failed to mark and label tanks […]

February 22, 2011

Toxic leak leads to lawsuit

Source: The Register-Guard, Eugene, OR February, 22, 2011 By: Christian Wihtol A Goshen storage facility says PCB-laced waste from a Eugene recycler forced it to shut down for months A waste oil storage facility in Goshen has been shut down for months because of contamination with toxic PCBs, and the facility’s operator is suing a […]

February 21, 2011

Drilling study finds high pollution levels near Fort Worth schools

Source: Fort Worth Star-Telegram (TX), February 18, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A study of the air quality around natural gas drilling sites near Fort Worth schools found significantly high levels of the pollutant carbon disulfide, a committee of the Fort Worth League of Neighborhoods Association reported Thursday night. Among the committee’s recommendations are that wells […]

February 21, 2011

$150M suit claims driller tainted wells

Source: Times Union (Albany, NY), February 18, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A $150 million lawsuit against a natural gas drilling company in Chemung County is being billed as the first in modern memory against drillers for allegedly polluting ground water, according to a New York City law firm. The suit, filed Feb. 10 in state […]

February 18, 2011

AR Poultry Industry Claims Paper Not Valid

Read here about a soon to be published paper regarding supposed pollution by the Arkansas Poultry Industry into the Oklahoma watershed.

February 17, 2011

HAZMAT team called to clean up chemical spill at SHSU

Source: The Huntsville Item (TX), February 15, 2011 By: Matthew Jackson Sam Houston State University officials evacuated the campus’ Chemistry and Forensic Science building for more than three hours Tuesday morning after a teacher’s assistant spilled a small amount of bromine in a laboratory. The spill occurred just before 8 a.m. and required a Walker […]

February 17, 2011

Groundwater pollution legal fight finally ends

Source: Lodi News-Sentinel (CA), February 12, 2011 By: Maggie Creamer The city of Lodi ended a long legal battle over groundwater contamination earlier this month. The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board unanimously approved $6.3 million in settlements from a federal lawsuit over groundwater pollution on Feb. 4. These settlements are with insurance companies […]

February 17, 2011

Well Water Contaminated in NY

Read here about an energy company in Denver denies responsibility for water contamination in New York.


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