RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

February 2, 2011

Reports of Strontium-90 Presence Prompt EPA Probe in N.C.

Source: http://www.insurancejournal.com, July 13, 2007 By: Estes Thompson The Environmental Protection Agency is investigating whether cancer-causing radioactive material was buried in the 1980s near a rifle range at Camp Lejeune, N.C., the Marine Corps’ primary base on the Atlantic Ocean. A recently recovered Navy document dated 1981 said the material included 160 pounds of soil […]

February 1, 2011

Pollution Case Settled in Kansas

Read here about a Kansas manufacturer that recently settled a water pollution case.

January 27, 2011

EPA releases data for air toxics monitoring at Berks County school

Source: http://yosemite.epa.gov, Release date: 10/01/2009 Contact Information: Bonnie Smith, 215-814-5543, smith.bonnie@epa.gov Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released initial data from air toxics monitoring outside the Riverside Elementary School in Berks County, Pa. EPA selected the Riverside School in Reading, Pa. as one of 63 schools in 22 states nationwide for air toxics monitoring. The […]

January 27, 2011

Danbury continues to clean up oil spill at school

Source: www.newstimes.com, March 24, 2010, Dirk Perrefort, Staff Writer Work crews this week are cleaning up an oil spill behind Broadview Middle School, an effort that could cost as much as $1 million. Antonio Iadarola, director of the city’s Public Works Department, said the cleanup cost would be difficult to estimate until crews begin excavating […]

January 26, 2011

Verdicts & Settlements January 16, 2011: Car dealer loses suit against cheese factory

Publication Date 01/16/2011 Source: Missouri Lawyers Media Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A jury awarded nothing to a company that claimed property damage from a nearby manufacturing plant. DairiConcepts LP produces cheese and dairy products in El Dorado Springs. Across the street on U.S. Highway 54 is Fugate Motors, a Ford and Chrysler dealership. Fugate Motors claimed […]

January 24, 2011

Why Bedbugs Won't Die

Publication Date 01/19/2011 Source: Dow Jones News Service (From THE WALL STREET JOURNAL) Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The first comprehensive genetic study of bedbugs, the irritating pests that have enjoyed a world-wide resurgence in recent years, indicates they are quickly evolving to withstand the pesticides used to combat them. The new findings from entomologists at Ohio […]

January 18, 2011

New owner of hog farm promises better management

Publication Date 01/15/2011 Source: Sun Journal (New Bern, NC) Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The Jones County hog farm that is the target of a potential lawsuit for alleged pollution of a nearby creek with hog waste has changed hands, and the new owner has also been threatened with the suit. Donald E. Taylor of Pink Hill […]

January 12, 2011

Judge orders monitoring in Kiddie Kollege case

Publication Date 01/11/2011 Source: Philadelphia Inquirer (PA) Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Doctors will monitor the health of the children who inhaled mercury vapors in their Gloucester County day-care center, a judge ruled Tuesday. New Jersey Superior Court Judge James E. Rafferty ordered the state, county and Franklin Township, as well as the owners of Kiddie Kollege, […]

January 11, 2011

Chromium 6 found naturally, but levels in valley a concern

Publication Date 01/08/2011 Source: Modesto Bee (CA) Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A likely cancerous drinking water contaminant featured in the movie “Erin Brockovich” showed up in relatively high levels in hundreds of tests throughout Stanislaus County and neighboring communities. Some public officials say the data may be unreliable and have little meaning until the government sets […]

January 7, 2011

County sues Simao company over the removal of fuel tanks

Publication Date 01/06/2011 Source: Watertown Daily Times (NY) Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Jefferson County filed an expected lawsuit Wednesday against Onondaga Development LLC over the removal of underground fuel storage tanks at the former Griff’s convenience store. The county has been at odds for months with P.J. Simao, principal of Onondaga Development, over a 2007 agreement […]

January 5, 2011

Use of toxic pesticides stirs debate on LI

Publication Date 01/04/2011 Source: Newsday (Melville, NY) Posted on http://envfpn.advisen.com Back in 1979, an insecticide that Suffolk potato farmers used to kill beetles and roundworms turned up in several private water wells. Aldicarb is toxic in large doses, and it wasn’t supposed to leach into groundwater. But it did. Today, decades after the chemical was […]

January 4, 2011

Grape Grower Fighting Pesticides

Read here about a grape grower in Oregon fighting pesticides invading their property from other areas.


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