RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

November 23, 2010

Energy and Environmental Insurers Eye New Business in Marcellus Shale Area

Publication Date 11/22/2010 Source: BestWire Services Energy and environmental insurers are eagerly eyeing an emerging energy boom: the development of the Marcellus shale natural gas area. “It’s a major, major find that I think will impact the energy market not only locally, but globally,” said Chris Moscardelli, director of Societe Generale’s energy project finance group. […]

November 23, 2010

Former manufacturer pleads guilty to storing, dumping toxic waste

Publication Date 11/21/2010 Source: Gazette (Cedar Rapids, IA) A former Monticello circuit boards manufacturer pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court Thursday for storing toxic waste and dumping the waste into Kitty Creek. Gene Riddle, 74, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of violation of the Clean Water Act, and also pleaded guilty on behalf of […]

November 18, 2010

Asbestos Confirmed at Dixon High

Publication Date 11/12/2010 Source: Daily Gazette (Sterling, IL) Nov. 12–DIXON — The substance found in the Lancaster gym at Dixon High School is asbestos, officials confirmed Thursday. The 51-year-old gym, closed since the discovery Monday, will remain off-limits until the problem is solved — however that may be. Air-monitoring devices will be installed. Other than […]

November 8, 2010

Metra Riders Subjected to High Amounts of Diesel Soot

Publication Date 11/06/2010 Source: Chicago Tribune (IL) Nov. 06–Day after day, thousands of commuters are breathing high levels of toxic diesel pollution trapped in Chicago’s two major rail stations and even inside the trains they ride, a Tribune investigation has found. Testing by the newspaper found the amount of diesel soot lingering in the air steadily […]

November 8, 2010

Missouri Officials Call Meeting to Discuss Chromium Contamination

Publication Date 11/06/2010 Source: Kansas City Star (MO) Nov. 05–State officials will host a meeting Tuesday to discuss the results of sampling of tannery sludge on farms in northwest Missouri. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency began an investigation last year after Cameron residents raised concerns about a high number […]

November 8, 2010

Cleanup Project Expands, Contamination Found

Publication Date: 11/06/2010 Source: Record-Eagle, The (Traverse City, MI) Nov. 06–GREILICKVILLE — Additional contamination discovered at a former dry-cleaning and laundry business forced the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to expand cleanup efforts there. The EPA planned to remove about 380 cubic yards of contaminated soil at the former Grand Traverse Overall Supply Co. site on […]

September 29, 2010

Colleges Investing in Cheap Land During Economic Downturn

With the economy in a downturn and real estate prices down, many colleges are taking advantage by purchasing cheap land for expansion. University of Dayton in Ohio, University of Delaware, and Columbia University are just some examples. Colleges realize that investing in real estate may be risky but some say “the benefits outweigh the risks.” […]

September 29, 2010

St. Louis’ Washington University Fined

After finding several federal violations regulating the generation, transportation, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste, Washington University in St. Louis was fined $15,000. The University is also responsible for cleaning up the St. Louis high school labs as part of the settlement agreement. This clean up is expected to cost the university at least […]

September 24, 2010

Settlement Awarded for Contaminated Scrap Yards

After three years of environmental litigation, a Trust in Indiana was awarded $4.3 million in cleanup costs for two sites contaminated with lead and polychlorinatedbiphenals (PCBs).  The Trust filed the suit in 2007 under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Indiana Environmental Legal Action (ELA) statute for cleanup costs for the […]

September 21, 2010

Child Diagnosed With Lead Poisoning

Acknowledgement to Great American A child who lived in an apartment building constructed in the 1970s was diagnosed with lead poisoning. The renovation of the building by a painting contractor allegedly caused unsafe conditions for the child. The parents of the child filed a bodily injury claim against the painting contractor. As part of the […]

September 20, 2010

Process Tank Malfunction

Acknowledgement to Great American A process tank at a wastewater treatment plant malfunctioned, discharging a large volume of untreated wastewater into a nearby stream. This discharge caused a fish kill as well as damage to many aquatic plants. The local regulatory authority issued fines to the operator of the wastewater treatment plant for the unauthorized […]

September 20, 2010

Fire at Warehouse Containing HAZMATS

Acknowledgement to Great American A fire occurred in the middle of the night at a warehouse facility. Responders to the fire discovered heavy smoke settling over a nearby residential community. It was determined that various hazardous materials were stored in the warehouse and that vapors from the fire could present a health hazard. Residents were […]


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