RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

September 3, 2010

Landfill Owner Sued by Residents

Acknowledgement to Great American A residential community located one half of a mile from a landfill sued the landfill owner and operator for odor issues and devaluation of the property. The suit also alleged that truck traffic related to the site operations resulted in the release of contaminated dust to adjacent properties.

September 3, 2010

Solvent Waste Contaminates Lab

Acknowledgement to Great American A drum of spent solvent waste located in a storage shed on the property of a laboratory was knocked over as employees were attempting to move several drums. Before the spill was contained, the solvent waste ran across the laboratory’s parking lot and on to the ground of an adjacent property. […]

September 3, 2010

Dry Cleaning Operaton Causes Hotel Contamination

Acknowledgement to Great American A hotel constructed in the early 1980s had a dry cleaning operation in the basement of the building as a service for their guests. Prior to sale of the property in the late 2000s, an environmental investigation was performed on behalf of the buyer. This investigation found staining around the base […]

September 3, 2010

Hospital HVAC Repairs Cause Aspergillus

Acknowledgement to Great American A mechanical contractor was hired to perform HVAC repairs at a hospital. No medical procedures were performed during the actual renovation activities and proper measures were taken to ensure proper encapsulation. Despite the controls, one year after completion of the project, the contractor was notified that several aspergillus (a type of […]

September 3, 2010

Legionella Discovered in Hospital Water Supply

Acknowledgement to Great American Legionella was discovered in the water supply of a major metropolitan hospital. An entire wing of the hospital needed to be vacated and patients removed while the water system went through treatment for the legionella. In addition to the remediation costs, several patients sued the hospital claiming bodily injury from exposure to […]

September 3, 2010

Fumes Migrate to Hospital From Parking Garage

A street and road contractor was hired to apply a sealing coat to a new concrete parking garage next to a hospital. During the application of the sealant, fumes migrated into the hospital’s air intake system. Several patients and hospital staff were overcome by the fumes and became ill. Lawsuits were filed alleging bodily injury […]

September 3, 2010

Thieves Damage Transformer Releasing PCBs

Acknowledgement to Great American A financial institution was preparing a foreclosed site for re-sale. While the facility was unoccupied thieves broke into the structure in an attempt to steal wiring and copper piping. In the process the thieves damaged a transformer releasing PCB containing oil to the floor. The financial institution was responsible for the […]

September 3, 2010

Vandals Damage Chemical Tank Valve

Acknowledgement to Great American Over the weekend vandals climbed the fence at a chemical distribution facility. Besides breaking a few windows; they also damaged a valve on a 10,000 gallon tank of chemicals. The damaged valve leaked until Monday morning when it was discovered by facility employees. While most of the contents of the tank […]

September 2, 2010

Contaminated Groundwater Found on Construction Site

Acknowledgement to Great American New construction commenced on a previously undeveloped parcel of land. During excavation and dewatering activities, contaminated groundwater was discovered. The developer was required by State regulatory authorities to collect, test and treat groundwater pumped out during the excavation process. Contaminated soils were also discovered at the site. Construction delays and additional […]

September 2, 2010

Mold Discovered at Local College

Acknowledgement to Great American A local college received several complaints from faculty and students about musty odors coming from the basement of a classroom building. Upon investigating and interviewing staff members, it was determined that a downward sloped walkway into the basement caused rainwater to leak into a service entrance. While the rainwater intrusion was […]

September 1, 2010

Oil Contaminates Car Dealer, Neighboring Property

Acknowledgment to Great American An oil water separator for a car service center developed a fracture in one of its underground pipes. Over time, oil seeped from the system into the surrounding soil and groundwater, contaminating both the car dealer’s land and a neighboring property. The extent of the contamination was not realized until an […]

September 1, 2010

Illegal Meth Lab Found in Apartment

Acknowledgment to Great American The owner of an apartment building entered a unit that had been vacated and discovered that the renter had left behind an illegal meth lab and related chemicals. The renter could not be located and the landlord was left with the responsibility for the clean-up. Not only did the owner have […]


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