RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

August 13, 2010

Waste Facility Allegedly Caused Contamination

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM A class action lawsuit from 68 claimants was filed against an XL insured waste facility alleging that the insured contributed to contamination (oil residue, biocides, acids, mercury, lead, diesel fuels, metals, radioactive materials and hydrocarbons) at a waste disposal pit owned by the insured. The class action alleged that […]

August 13, 2010

Paper Mill Landfill Closure

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM A paper mill insured by XL maintained a landfill on site for the disposal of milling process sludge. The insured facility subsequently went bankrupt. The state environmental regulatory agency issued a letter to the insured requiring closure of the landfill. THE RESPONSE XL’s environmental claims counsel and a technical […]

August 11, 2010

Landfill Odor Complaints

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM An XL insured landfill was issued violations by the state regulatory agency for an alleged failure to maintain their landfill gas collection system. The insured also received odor complaints from neighboring residents. A lawsuit was filed by the neighboring hotel claiming significant loss of business due to customer odor […]

August 11, 2010

Illegal Waste Disposal at Landfill

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM An XL insured operates a solid waste landfill. The landfill received several truckloads of construction debris that was classified as Type III construction and debris (C&D) waste. A subsequent investigation by the state environmental regulatory agency revealed that some of the truckloads of construction debris waste actually contained Type […]

August 11, 2010

Elevated Levels of VOC at Landfill

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM A claim from the regional water quality control board (RWQCB) was initiated for the discovery of elevated levels of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the groundwater at a garbage company landfill property of an XL insured. Disposal operations at the site had been ceased for over 20 years. VOCs […]

August 11, 2010

Pipeline Explosion

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM An XL-insured petrochemical pipeline, carrying highly flammable liquefied gases, occupied the same right of way pipeline corridor as another major chemical firm (Company B). Company B’s pipeline ruptured and the ensuing explosion damaged the insured’s pipeline, creating soil contamination and airborne exposures. Resulting third-party bodily injury and property damage […]

August 11, 2010

Hydrogen Fluoride Release at Petroleum Refinery

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM An XL-insured petroleum refinery experienced an explosion while activating an alkylation unit at the refinery. Approximately 4,900 pounds of hydrogen fluoride were released and 90,000 pounds of hydrofluoric acid were generated. The local fire department responded, using water to extinguish the fire and suppress the acid from migrating off-site. […]

August 11, 2010

Heavy Metal Contamination from Coal-Fired Power Plant

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM An XL-insured coal-fired power plant stored baghouse dusts containing heavy metals in an uncovered dumpster behind the facility. Whenever it rained, storm water mixed with the dust, forming a slurry, which eventually migrated off-site. Contamination to an adjoining, third-party property was determined to have occurred over the course of […]

August 11, 2010

Arsenic Groundwater Contamination at Ethanol Plant

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental COVERAGE NEED A potential XL insured, an alternative energy company, was developing a site for an ethanol production facility. The owners had concerns regarding known arsenic contamination in groundwater from an adjacent Superfund site and desired full Pollution and Remediation Legal Liability coverage from XL. The facility had a need to […]

August 10, 2010

Highly Toxic Chemical Spilled During Transfer

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM Workers at an XL insured’s chemical blending facility were transferring a highly toxic chemical, p nitro aniline (PNA), from 55-gallon drums into 2,000 lb. super sacks. During the transfer, an estimated 500 lbs. of this chemical was spilled, exposing the workers, the insured’s property and neighboring properties to the […]

August 10, 2010

Fire Suppression Water Spreads Chemical Contamination

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM An explosion and a series of fires occurred at an XL insured’s chemical plant. The explosion occurred while workers were unloading chemicals from train cars. The fire department responded to the scene. Fire suppression water flowed one mile away onto an adjacent property, contaminating the adjacent location. Our insured […]

August 10, 2010

Fire Caused Release of Ethyl Acetate

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM An XL insured chemical blending and distribution facility experienced a fire and explosion. The fire originated from the packaging area of the plant and occurred as an operator was filling a steel tote tank with ethyl acetate. The cause of the fire was a static electrical spark resulting from […]


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