RT ECP: Design Build

December 10, 2015

Limitation of Liability Clause Enforced – Even in Face of Allegations of Gross Negligence

Source: http://www.constructionrisk.com, October 2013 Where a limitation of liability clause in a design professional contract would limit a homeowner’s claim against its designer to the total fee for services, the plaintiff sought to avoid the affects of the clause by asserting that the designer had acted with gross negligence in drafting plans that resulted in […]

September 8, 2015

Erosion of the Spearin Doctrine of Implied Warranty in Alternative Project Delivery Methods

Source: http://www.smithcurrie.com By: Joseph Young The United States Supreme Court ruled nearly a century ago that a contractor is not responsible for consequences of defects in the plans and specifications when that contractor is bound to build according to plans and specifications prepared by the owner. U.S. v. Spearin, 248 U.S. 132 (1918).  This principle […]

August 4, 2015

Lawsuit: Engineering firm behind Wake Tech's collapsed bridges wants insurer to help cover legal bills

Source: http://www.bizjournals.com, August 3, 2015 By: Jeff Jeffrey The engineering firm behind two collapsed bridges at Wake Tech’s Northern Campus is suing its insurance company, arguing that the insurer should help cover legal bills stemming from several lawsuits filed against the firm – including one filed by the family of a worker who was killed […]

June 30, 2015

Design Questioned by Minnesota Science Museum with Water Intrusion

Source: http://www.insurancejournal.com, June 29, 2015 By: Brian Bakst The Science Museum of Minnesota, a major tourist attraction that opened its new, $100 million home just 15 years ago, has serious water infiltration problems that could leave state taxpayers with a hefty repair bill. Museum leaders have approached state officials and legislators with a $26 million […]

May 14, 2015

Charleston, Wa., Airport, Insurer at Odds Over Runway Extension Collapse

Source: http://enr.construction.com, May 12, 2015 By: Nick Zeman The failure in March of a geosynthetically reinforced runway extension at Charleston, W.Va.’s Yeager International Airport has triggered a lengthy dispute among the airport’s insurance carrier, AIG Aero, the designer Triad Engineering and contractor Cast and Baker over the liability for damages, currently estimated at $16 million […]

March 13, 2015

Construction firms prosecuted after worker crushed by falling conveyor

Source: http://press.hse.gov.uk, March 13, 2015 Three construction companies have been fined after a worker was crushed by a falling section of conveyor at a plant in Sleaford. The incident happened during construction of the Sleaford Renewable Energy plant on Boston Road on 14 February 2013 when the 4.5 tonne conveyor section overturned during installation. It […]

March 5, 2015

School Construction Defects

Source: http://www.lawyersandsettlements.com, February 9, 2008 The Princeton School District brought a lawsuit against Architects Rego and Youngquist (ARY) and prime general contractor Breitbach Construction, alleging that there were construction defects in a school building. Records show that the school district first brought arbitration claims against ARY and Breitbach in 2006, citing design and construction errors […]

March 5, 2015

TCF Architecture and Olympic Associates Co.

Source: http://www.lawyersandsettlements.com, September 18, 2007 Scott Wall Construction of Olympia brought a lawsuit against Lacey Fire District No. 3 in October 2005, alleging that the district was responsible for deficient plans and unfair management by TCF Architecture of Tacoma and Olympic Associates Co. of Seattle, regarding the construction of three fire stations. The suit claimed […]

March 4, 2015

Airport Settles Lawsuit with Phoenix Construction

Source: http://www.wjhg.com, January 5, 2012 By: Chad Mira Part of the long legal dispute over cost overrun and environmental fines involving the new airport construction project has ended. But the case may not yet be over. Phoenix Constructions owner James Finch and the Airport Authority agreed Thursday to drop their claims against each other. They […]

October 9, 2014

Suit filed over RHS performing arts center

Source: http://www.couriernews.com, August 13, 2011 By: Lindsey Williams Filing claims architecture firm caused delay in construction at RHS The construction of Russellville High School’s Center for the Performing Arts has sparked a lawsuit, court documents show. EWI Inc., the construction manager for the performing arts center project, filed a civil suit Aug. 5 in Pope […]

August 22, 2014

Insurer must cover Royal Jubilee Hospital concrete repairs

Source: http://www.timescolonist.com, August 20, 2014 By: Carla Wilson The design-build contractors for the Royal Jubilee Hospital’s Patient Care Centre are due $8.5 million from insurance companies to cover the expense of concrete-slab repairs during construction, states a B.C. Supreme Court judgment. The contractors took their insurance companies to court, seeking to recoup $14.9 million spent […]

July 23, 2014

Problem emerges with bridge concrete

Source: Daily News of Newburyport (MA), July 16, 2014 Posted on: http://constfpn.advisen.com It appears that the $292 million Whittier Bridge/I-95 Improvement Project has hit a snag after a faulty concrete pour. Concrete was incorrectly poured in a support pier that rises out of the Merrimack River. Work has been ongoing to remove the problem and […]


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