RT ECP: Design Build

October 14, 2010

$52 million bridge deal 'helps right a wrong': A 14-hour negotiating session Saturday yielded a settlement with engineering giant URS that survivors call "bittersweet"

Source: http://fpn.advisen.com/#top Aug. 23–An engineering firm that consulted on the Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis that collapsed three years ago has agreed to pay $52.4 million to victims. San Francisco-based URS Corp. had been sued by more than 100 people. They accused the company of missing warning signs on the bridge before its rush-hour collapse […]

August 11, 2010

Design/Build Church Project

Acknowledgement to XL Environmental THE CLAIM An insured contractor was retained to build a church under the design/build construction project delivery method. After the church was completed, the owner noticed cracked concrete, uneven floor tiles, and damage to interior and exterior walls. It was determined that excessive moisture had migrated under the church, causing the […]

August 9, 2010

Olympia man settles dangerous-highway-design lawsuit for $2 million

A 24 year old Olympia man settled a dangerous-highway-design lawsuit against the Washington State Department of Transportation for $2 million. The man was critically injured when his motorcycle hit a car turning left onto the controversial intersection at Lynch Road and SR 101 near Shelton. After two months in the hospital and 15 surgeries, the […]

July 27, 2010

Bridge Collapse Suit to Target Engineer, Contractor

Contradicting the National Transportation Safety Board’s report that blamed too-thin gusset plates for the Aug. 1, 2007, collapse of the Minneapolis Interstate 35W bridge, an independent analysis concluded that rusted, frozen roller bearings were pivotal in the tragedy that killed 13 people and injured 145.  The roller bearings prevented thermal expansion and caused a truss chord to fail, […]


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