RT ECP: Hot Topics

November 7, 2011

Fracking opponents push for new legal remedies

Source: Thomson Reuters News & Insight, November 4, 2011 As New York inches closer to approving the controversial gas-drilling method known as hydro-fracking, environmental groups and some state lawmakers are pushing for legislative changes to traditional tort litigation to assist property owners seeking damages if their water or soil is contaminated. State lawmakers are mulling […]

October 26, 2011

Promise and Pitfalls of the Marcellus Drilling

Source: http://www.riskandinsurance.com, October 15, 2011 By: Rob Hughes For engineers and construction professionals, Marcellus Shale presents enticing opportunities, but firms need to weigh risks and seek the advice of a broker as pollution liability insurance policies differ by carrier. As engineering firms and construction professionals seek to capitalize on opportunities presented by the growing number […]

October 25, 2011

Raising the Risk

Source: http://www.riskandinsurance.com, October 15, 2011 By: Mitch Cohen, New Day Underwriting Managers Building information modeling technology eases the interaction between the owner, the design team and the general contractor, and that can raise the risk of higher professional liability exposures. In this tough economic environment, project owners are continually seeking the best methods for leveraging […]

October 24, 2011

Wastewater fracking to be regulated by EPA

Read here about the EPA’s plans to increase regulation of the natural gas extraction industry.

October 17, 2011

Contaminated water for PA gas drilling town

Read here about a town in Pennsylvania where methane has leaked into the groundwater.

October 5, 2011

Business Insurance In FOCUS video: Fracking liabilities and insurance

Business Insurance In FOCUS video: Fracking liabilities and insurance

August 29, 2011

New rule for Marcellus Shale filed in WV

Read here about a new rule for Marcellus shale natural gas drillers filed in W. Virginia.

August 29, 2011

New estimate raises Marcellus gas estimate forty-fold

Source: Houston Chronicle, August 25, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com A new assessment of the Marcellus Shale says the formation in the Northeastern U.S. may contain 84 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered, recoverable natural gas, far more than believed less than a decade ago. The new assessment by the U.S. Geological Survey updates a 2002 study […]

August 17, 2011

Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission Releases 96 Recommendations to Governor Corbett

Source: Cozen O’Connor’s Energy, Environmental and Utilities Group “News Concerning Recent Developments in Energy and Environmental Law” Newsletter, August 16, 2011 On March 8, 2011, Governor Corbett created the Governor’s Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission (the commission). Comprising 30 stakeholders including experts from the environmental community, the natural gas industry, local government representatives, and state government […]

August 10, 2011

Firms fined $110K for asbestos violations

Source: http://www.montereyherald.com, August 6, 2011 Two companies agreed to pay $110,000 in fines this week for asbestos violations stemming from a 2009 renovation project at Windsor Monterey Care Center. The work involved scraping an asbestos-laden acoustic ceiling. The facility’s parent company was faulted for failing to conduct a federally required asbestos survey or to notify […]

August 8, 2011

Practice 2.0: 4 Take-aways from Chicago’s BIM Forum

Source: http://www.ibtimes.com, August 3, 2011 By: Federico Negro Last week I had the pleasure of presenting our work on the construction of the Louisiana State Museum and Sports Hall of Fame by Trahan Architects at the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) BIM Forum in Chicago. The event is meant to “facilitate and accelerate the adoption of […]

August 1, 2011

Building owner accuses asbestos removers hired by city of not being safe

Source: http://jg-tc.com, July 29, 2011 By: Rob Stroud The owner of a former neighborhood grocery store set for demolition has voiced concerns that a contractor hired by the city is improperly removing asbestos from there. The owner of contractor Triple A Asbestos has responded that his crews are meeting all state and federal guidelines. Their […]


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