RT ECP: Hot Topics

March 28, 2011

Dollar Tree Store in Newport fined for asbestos violations; repairs scheduled

Source: http://www.oregonlive.com, March 23, 2011 The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division has fined a Newport retailer for asbestos violations. OSHA issued three citations, totaling $300 in fines, to the Dollar Tree Store for failure to identify the asbestos, repair or remove it and for failing to provide employees with an awareness training course. The […]

March 24, 2011

Shale drillers tout recycling as option for wastewater

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer , March 23, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The level of salty compounds in the Monongahela River south of Pittsburgh spiked above acceptable limits in late 2008 — not a health risk, according to federal and state regulators, but drinking water drawn from the river tasted like mud. Environmentalists blamed the contamination on […]

March 23, 2011

Unlicensed asbestos removal business, owners indicted

Source: Salem News (MA), March 22, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The owners of an unlicensed Lynnfield asbestos removal business and an employee have been indicted on charges of violating state environmental and wage laws, including while working on projects in Beverly and Marblehead. The business, which calls itself AEI Environmental LLC, is based out of […]

March 23, 2011

Cherry Valley looks to ban fracking

Source: Daily Star, The (Oneonta, NY), March 22, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Like Middlefield, Springfield and Otsego, the town of Cherry Valley is moving to ban drilling and hydraulic fracturing for natural gas within its borders. The town’s zoning commission will hold a public hearing Monday on a draft land-use law that prohibits new drilling […]

March 21, 2011

Company accused of illegal dumping

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 18, 2011 State prosecutors charged a Greene County man Thursday with illegally dumping millions of gallons of Marcellus Shale wastewater, sewer sludge and greasy restaurant slop in holes, mine shafts and waterways in a six-county region from 2003 to 2009. “He was pouring the stuff in any hole he could find,” […]

March 17, 2011

Bed Bug Lawsuit Goes to Court in Maryland

Source: http://www.newsinferno.com, March 15, 2011 Another bed bug lawsuit is making headlines, this time in Maryland. Sam Alfrey, the plaintiff in a small claims case against the owner of the Travelers Hotel LLC brought a bottle of dead bed bugs to court in a lawsuit seeking $2,480 for the rent he has paid since moving […]

March 14, 2011

Metro removing asbestos from Farragut North, Union Station

Source: http://washingtonexaminer.com, March 9, 2011 By: Kytja Weir Asbestos has been found during renovations of Metro’s Farragut North and Union Station stops, The Washington Examiner has learned. Crews have been quietly working during off-hours to remove the cancer-causing flame retardant since last week, according to the transit agency. The remediation work is expected to last […]

March 14, 2011

Groups say facilities wrongly discharging drilling wastewater

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 11, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Two municipal sewage treatment facilities that together discharge 150,000 gallons a day of Marcellus Shale wastewater into the Monongahela River watershed don’t have federal permits for such pollution discharges and should, according to two environmental organizations that say they will sue the facilities in federal court. […]

March 14, 2011

WSJ: Quebec Halts Most Shale-Gas Activity After Inconclusive Environmental Assessment

Source: Dow Jones News Service, March 9, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The provincial Canadian government of Quebec said it would halt most new natural-gas exploration and development following an environmental assessment of shale-gas extraction that called for further studies, putting a fresh regulatory spotlight on the method amid recent environmental worries in the U.S. The […]

March 9, 2011

Going for Broke: How a copper giant plans to make the public pay for its toxic mess

Source: http://www.sierraclub.org, May/June 2006 By: Marilyn Berlin Snell At 75, Joe Piñón still wears a crisp white lab coat and fills prescriptions at the pharmacy he’s owned in El Paso, Texas, since 1960. His oversize glasses, helpful in deciphering a doctor’s chicken scratch, lend him an owlish appearance; his soft voice only hints that he’s also […]

March 9, 2011

Win for Asbestos Insurers

Source: http://blogs.wsj.com, May 18, 2007 By: Nathan Koppel A ruling issued today in a New Jersey state court marked a win for insurers who challenged an asbestos “pre-packaged” bankruptcy. The case, which concerns the 2003 bankruptcy of Congoleum Corporation, has been followed closely by combatants in the asbestos prepackaged arena. Some companies that have faced […]

March 7, 2011

Pittsburgh Water To Be Tested For Radiation

Source: http://www.clipsyndicate.com, March 3, 2011 Video Clip – Two Allegheny County water companies said they will begin testing water supplies for radiation to check for problems from treated gas drilling water that’s discharged into streams and rivers.


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