RT ECP: Hot Topics

September 13, 2013

Pennsylvania drillers may soon face tightened environmental regulations

Source: http://www.lexology.com, September 5, 2013 By: Scott J. Bent, Baker & Hostetler LLP Oil and gas drillers in Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale formation may soon find themselves subject to more stringent environmental protection standards under regulations proposed by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (“the Department”). The Department announced on August 27, 2013 that the proposed […]

August 6, 2013

Study: pathways for gas migration into groundwater not created by hydraulic fracturing

Source: http://www.lexology.com, July 30, 2013 By: Wayne J. D’Angelo, Kelley Drye & Warren LLP The image of water flowing from a tap being ignited with a lighter has become heavily associated with hydraulic fracturing in the minds of the public. But a research paper produced by the National Ground Water Association suggests this widespread image […]

August 6, 2013

Pennsylvania drillers eye shale layers atop Marcellus

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 31, 2013 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The question of fracking the shale layers above and below the Marcellus has transitioned from an “if” to a “when” for many oil and gas operators in Pennsylvania. On that, they agree; how to do it is another story. In recent discussions with analysts, executives at […]

July 30, 2013

Issues With Fracking Could Be Eased If Industry Was More Honest, Some Say

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com, July 28, 2013 By: Kevin Begos The boom in oil and gas fracking has led to jobs, billions in royalties and profits, and even some environmental gains. But some experts say arrogance, a lack of transparency and poor communication on the part of the drilling industry have helped fuel public anger over the […]

June 11, 2013

Drillers Facing Nuisance Lawsuits

Read here about lawsuits that have been filed by families in Pennsylvania who say that gas wells nearby are a nuisance.  

May 21, 2013

Unintended Consequences of Green Codes

Source: Construction Executive, May 2013 By: George H. DuBose The International Green Construction Code (IgCC) issued a year ago is a noble step forward for the design and construction community because it includes measures intended to create more efficient and higher performing buildings. However, the push toward green codification has some looming consequences that should […]

May 20, 2013

Energy future may be swamped in fracking wastewater, scientists warn

Source: http://science.nbcnews.com, May 16, 2013 By: John Roach The current boom in U.S. natural gas production from glassy shale rock formations is poised to usher in an era of energy independence and could bridge the gap between today’s fossil-fuel age and a clean-energy future. But that future may be swamped in a legacy of wastewater, […]

May 16, 2013

NJ Senator Seeks to Shut down Rotten-Egg-Smelling Landfill

Source: http://www.environmentalleader.com, May 13, 2013 A landfill in Roxbury, New Jersey, has received hundreds of complaints from nearby residents of a stench like rotten eggs, and a bill has been filed by Sen. Anthony Bucco that would force the landfill to shut down. The Fenimore Landfill, owned by Strategic Environmental Partners, had been closed since […]

April 23, 2013

New Marcellus Shale Treatment Plant Opens in PA

Read here about a new plant that has opened in Pennsylvania that will treat and recycle wastewater from the Marcellus Shale.  

April 11, 2013

Revisiting the Facts on Fracking

Source: The New York Times, April 9, 2013 In their op-ed “The Facts on Fracking” (Views, March 14), Susan Brantley and Anna Meyendorff use a highly speculative estimate of the gas supply in the Marcellus shale of Eastern America that prevailed for years at the U.S. Energy Department. Using actual results from drilled wells, in […]

April 5, 2013

Toward Resilient Architectures 2: Why Green Often Isn’t

Source: http://www.metropolismag.com, April 4, 2013 By: Michael Mehaffy and Nikos Salingaros Something surprising has happened with many so-called “sustainable” buildings. When actually measured in post-occupancy assessments, they’ve proven far less sustainable than their proponents have claimed. In some cases they’ve actually performed worse than much older buildings, with no such claims. A 2009 New York […]

March 27, 2013

Marcellus Production Tops Haynesville

Source: http://stateimpact.npr.org, March 18, 2013 By: Susan Phillips Pipeline expansions serving the Marcellus Shale gas boom have helped boost production rates above seven billion cubic feet a day, according to an analysis by IHS. The report says the Marcellus now leads the Haynesville Shale as the most productive shale play in the country. The Haynesville […]

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