RT ECP: Hot Topics

June 12, 2012

Maryland enacts legislation on liability for damage caused by oil and gas exploration

Source: http://www.lexology.com, June 6, 2012 By: Jason E. Yearout, Baker & Hostetler LLP On May 22, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley signed House Bill 1123, which addresses the state legal standards for civil liability for damages caused by exploration and production activity in deep shale deposits in the Marcellus Shale formation. The Marcellus Shale territory stretches […]

May 21, 2012

Sustainable Construction: The Changing Climate of Professional Liability Risk

By:  Jeff Slivka, New Day Underwriting Managers, LLC Posted on:  http://www.irmi.com The world of sustainable construction is constantly evolving with the introduction of new green construction products and the rising interest in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)-certified projects. Approximately 20 different states have green buildings codes with a new array of “eco-friendly” products […]

May 18, 2012

A first look at the coverage implications of hydraulic fracturing

Source: http://newsandinsight.thomsonreuters.com, May 16, 2012 By: Thomas F. Segalla, Andrew J. Scholz and Matthew D. Cabral (Thomas F. Segalla is a founding partner of Goldberg Segalla LLP in Buffalo, N.Y. Andrew J. Scholz is special counsel in the firm’s White Plains, N.Y., office and Matthew D. Cabral, an associate in the firm’s Albany, N.Y., office)1 The […]

May 18, 2012

EPA: No water contamination from shale drilling

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 15, 2012 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Well water tests in the northeastern Pennsylvania town of Dimock have not found unsafe levels of contamination from Marcellus Shale gas drilling that warrant further action, according to federal environmental regulators. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency test findings released last week for 12 homes, found one with […]

May 15, 2012

Analysis: Insurers find it tough to price fracking risk

Source: Reuters, May 11, 2011 Posted on: http://news.yahoo.com By: Braden Reddall and Ben Berkowitz From water worries to well blowouts, the inherent risks of oil and gas extraction are often played down by those in the business. But another group of profit-seekers has every reason to keep a close eye on dangers for drillers: their […]

May 11, 2012

Natural Gas Boom Drives Pipeline Upgrades

Source: http://enr.construction.com, May 7, 2012 By: Jack Buehrer As an engineer who specializes in natural-gas pipeline safety, Richard Kuprewicz has never been more in demand. Amid unprecedented production of natural gas and crude oil in the United States alone, Kuprewicz is busy fielding questions from contractors, engineers, federal regulators and the media about the safety […]

April 13, 2012

Zoning Limits Halted in PA

Read here about a Pennsylvania judge who halted a section of a Marcellus Shale law that limits municipalities from regulating the natural gas exploration industry.

April 12, 2012

A Smart Approach to the Green Construction Marketplace

Source: Construction Business Owner, December 2011 By: Robert J. Connor, New Day Underwriting Managers LLC Establish expectations and carefully assess sustainable products to successfully complete LEED projects. The eco-friendly construction movement has become a powerful force that has spread throughout the world at an incredible speed and forced designers and contractors to either go green […]

April 2, 2012

Seven communities file suit to oppose Marcellus Shale law

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 30, 2012 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com The seven municipalities that banded together in recent weeks in opposition to the state’s Marcellus Shale gas drilling law filed a suit Thursday, arguing that lawmakers unconstitutionally intruded on local zoning duties by mandating where drilling can occur. The municipalities — Cecil, Peters, Mount Pleasant and […]

March 28, 2012

USGS Weighs In on Fracking Regulations in New York State

Source: http://enr.construction.com, March 19, 2012 By: Jack Buehrer As New York intensifies its debate over whether to employ hydraulic fracturing techniques to recover shale-gas deposits in the Marcellus shale formation, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is sticking to his pledge to “let the science and the facts” determine if the state’ should lift a two-year moratorium on fracking. […]

March 13, 2012

Some states unprepared for shale energy boom

Source: http://www.usatoday.com, February 23, 2012 By: Dennis Cauchon Aaron Dinnin’s last job was as a prison guard. Before that, he was a roofer. Today, the 33-year-old West Virginian works in a shale gas field near his home and earns more money than ever before. “This is the best job I’ve ever had,” he says. Expansive […]

March 13, 2012

Faulty Wells, Not Fracking, Blamed For Water Pollution

Source: Dow Jones News Service, March 12, 2012 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com (From The Wall Street Journal) Some energy companies, state regulators, academics and environmentalists are reaching consensus that natural-gas drilling has led to several incidents of water pollution — but not because of fracking. The energy officials and some environmentalists agree that poorly built wells […]


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