RT ECP News Center

November 12, 2010

Chartis Expands NextGen ProtectionSM to Additional Industries

Source: http://envfpn.advisen.com/#top   Publication Date 11/11/2010 Source: Business Wire NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Chartis today announced the expansion of industries addressed by NextGen Protection, a suite of environmental insurance solutions developed by its Environmental division. The additional industry segments within the NextGen Protection suite are: PLL MuniProtect SM for Municipalities PLL MuniProtect has been developed to address the environmental exposures […]

November 8, 2010

Metra Riders Subjected to High Amounts of Diesel Soot

Publication Date 11/06/2010 Source: Chicago Tribune (IL) Nov. 06–Day after day, thousands of commuters are breathing high levels of toxic diesel pollution trapped in Chicago’s two major rail stations and even inside the trains they ride, a Tribune investigation has found. Testing by the newspaper found the amount of diesel soot lingering in the air steadily […]

November 8, 2010

Missouri Officials Call Meeting to Discuss Chromium Contamination

Publication Date 11/06/2010 Source: Kansas City Star (MO) Nov. 05–State officials will host a meeting Tuesday to discuss the results of sampling of tannery sludge on farms in northwest Missouri. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency began an investigation last year after Cameron residents raised concerns about a high number […]

November 8, 2010

Cleanup Project Expands, Contamination Found

Publication Date: 11/06/2010 Source: Record-Eagle, The (Traverse City, MI) Nov. 06–GREILICKVILLE — Additional contamination discovered at a former dry-cleaning and laundry business forced the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to expand cleanup efforts there. The EPA planned to remove about 380 cubic yards of contaminated soil at the former Grand Traverse Overall Supply Co. site on […]

October 14, 2010

$52 million bridge deal 'helps right a wrong': A 14-hour negotiating session Saturday yielded a settlement with engineering giant URS that survivors call "bittersweet"

Source: http://fpn.advisen.com/#top Aug. 23–An engineering firm that consulted on the Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis that collapsed three years ago has agreed to pay $52.4 million to victims. San Francisco-based URS Corp. had been sued by more than 100 people. They accused the company of missing warning signs on the bridge before its rush-hour collapse […]

October 7, 2010

American Financial Group, Inc. and Its Insurance Operations Receive Rating Upgrades from S&P

Acknowledgement to Great American Insurance Group CINCINNATI–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Yesterday Standard & Poor’s Rating Services raised its financial strength ratings for AFG’s core insurance subsidiaries to ‘A+’ from ‘A’. At the same time, S&P raised its counterparty credit rating on American Financial Group to ‘BBB+’ from ‘BBB’. The outlook on all of these companies is stable.

September 29, 2010

New Day Secures Coverage for University

A university with a number of locations spread across one state in the U.S. as well as locations in Europe and Asia owns buildings comprising their campus. Many of the buildings are old, with some dating back to the early 1800s. Working with the retail broker and an environmentally savvy risk manager, New Day gathered […]

September 29, 2010

New Day Finds Coverage for Insured’s Non-Renewed Coverage

Two years ago, our partner broker called us in a panic as their insured was not being renewed due to losses from their carrier who provided Professional/Pollution coverage. The retail broker obtained a 30 day extension while New Day sought solutions in the marketplace. One carrier agreed to offer Professional/Pollution terms. Coverage was bound with […]

September 29, 2010

New Day Assists in Placing Coverage for Private Equity Firm

New Day was retained to design an Environmental Casualty and Legacy Pollution Legal Liability program for a private equity firm who purchased 3 oil & gas waste companies that operated out of 18 different locations in 3 states. Due to the complexity of the deal and the challenging environmental exposures, New Day conducted extensive marketing […]

September 29, 2010

“Pigeon Dung” Case Goes to Mediation

A group of courthouse workers in Pennsylvania went to mediation for the second time over a claim that the workers’ “health was jeopardized by the company hired to remove tons of pigeon dung from the courthouse beginning in 2004.” The suit claims that the environmental firm involved was negligent in the manner in which it […]

September 29, 2010

Colleges Investing in Cheap Land During Economic Downturn

With the economy in a downturn and real estate prices down, many colleges are taking advantage by purchasing cheap land for expansion. University of Dayton in Ohio, University of Delaware, and Columbia University are just some examples. Colleges realize that investing in real estate may be risky but some say “the benefits outweigh the risks.” […]

September 29, 2010

St. Louis’ Washington University Fined

After finding several federal violations regulating the generation, transportation, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste, Washington University in St. Louis was fined $15,000. The University is also responsible for cleaning up the St. Louis high school labs as part of the settlement agreement. This clean up is expected to cost the university at least […]


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