RT ECP News Center

July 12, 2010

Residents Sue Over Chemical Spill

Three residents of a Louisville, Kentucky neighborhood recently sued when a chemical spill caused vapors to travel through sewer pipes. The claimants are seeking class action status, which would cover anyone in a 1.6 mile area near the plant. At the time of the incident, it was estimated that up to 50 homes were affected […]

July 12, 2010

Jury Awards $400K in Lawsuit Centered on MTBE Leak

A group of four families in the Baltimore, Maryland area were recently awarded almost $400 thousand to be paid by an oil company that a jury has held responsible for “polluting water wells with a hazardous gasoline additive.” Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), the additive found in the wells, is suspected to be a carcinogen. […]

July 9, 2010

New Day Places Coverage for Petroleum Tank Farm

New Day was working with a broker partner who had taken over a placement on a large petroleum product tank farm. At the time that New Day became involved there were two policies in place – the primary and the excess. New Day was tasked with placing the excess portion. Located in a waterway in […]

July 9, 2010

New Day Places OCIP for Chinese Drywall Contaminated Condo

New Day Underwriting Managers was retained by the retail broker for its expertise in construction and remediation to place a project-specific Owner’s-Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) for a luxury condominium project that contained contaminated Chinese drywall.  An intensive marketing effort was conducted to secure the desired coverage. A number of carriers declined this coverage due to […]

July 9, 2010

New Day Announces Update to Chartis PLL Select Policy Form

Chartis Environmental has introduced the first significant update to its Pollution Legal Liability (PLL) Select Policy Form in six years.  This form may be used with a wide variety of industrial, commercial, and habitational real estate risks.  The updated form provides coverage flexibility by offering a menu of coverage options that can be selected by the insured including […]


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