RT ECP News Center

September 21, 2010

UST Releases Waste Oil

Acknowledgement to Great American A pile driving contractor punctured an unknown underground storage tank which resulted in the release of waste oil. The waste oil impacted adjacent soils and forced the job to stop until the materials could be delineated, excavated and properly disposed.

September 21, 2010

Child Diagnosed With Lead Poisoning

Acknowledgement to Great American A child who lived in an apartment building constructed in the 1970s was diagnosed with lead poisoning. The renovation of the building by a painting contractor allegedly caused unsafe conditions for the child. The parents of the child filed a bodily injury claim against the painting contractor. As part of the […]

September 21, 2010

Leak Discovered After Fittings Improperly Installed

Acknowledgement to Great American A mechanical contactor improperly installed fittings during routine maintenance of a hydraulically driven conveyor system. A subsequent leak was not discovered until the next routine maintenance cycle. The leaking hydraulic fluid migrated into a floor drain located beneath the equipment which discharged directly into an adjacent drainage ditch. Property owners adjacent […]

September 21, 2010

Employees Sue Over Silica Dust

Acknowledgement to Great American A masonry contractor, performing a renovation project at a historic building, was sued by employees of a nearby office building. The claimants asserted that they were exposed to silica dust coming from the job site.  The claimants reported damages for bodily injury asserting that required measures were not used to prevent […]

September 21, 2010

Contaminated Wash Water Migrates to Adjacent Property

Acknowledgement to Great American An industrial cleaning contractor was hired to clean a former petroleum storage tank previously used for backup power purposes. Plastic sheeting and an associated dike were placed around the tank to prevent the runoff of contaminated rinse water. The sheeting and dike were not properly placed around the tank allowing a […]

September 21, 2010

HVAC System Causes Mold

Acknowledgement to Great American A mechanical contractor installed an HVAC system in an assisted living facility for seniors. The system was constructed improperly, which caused mold growth in a portion of the residences. The facility was forced to relocate several patients during the repair of the system, and the renovation of the moldy building materials. […]

September 21, 2010

Improper Duct Sealing Leads to Legionella

Acknowledgement to Great American Several office employees became ill from legionella. The cause of the legionella was the improper sealing of the ducts during the installation of a new HVAC unit which allowed condensation to build up. The employees brought suit against the property owner and the contractor.

September 21, 2010

Faulty Window Installation Leads to Mold

Acknowledgement to Great American Two years after the completion of a new high school, it was determined that the window system used during construction was allowing water to infiltrate the building. Mold was discovered. Faulty installation was part of the issue. The cost to remediate the problem was shared by the General Contractor and the […]

September 21, 2010

Contractor Fails to Adequately Maintain Jet Fuel Equipment

Acknowledgement to Great American A ruptured fuel hose spilled a few thousand gallons of jet fuel onto the ground at a regional airport. The fuel eventually reached an adjacent river. The contractor responsible for fueling operations paid significant clean-up costs for soil and groundwater as a result of failing to adequately maintain the fueling equipment. […]

September 21, 2010

Contractor Spreads Contaminated Soil

Acknowledgement to Great American During the course of performing site preparation work for a new building the excavation contractor spread contaminated soil throughout the site. The contractor was held partially responsible for exacerbating the contaminated soil.

September 21, 2010

Contractor Breaks Petroleum Pipeline

Acknowledgement to Great American While performing soil removal activities at a Brownfield project the contractor accidentally broke an abandoned underground petroleum pipeline with their excavator. Product was released causing extensive contamination. The contractor was held responsible for the cost to remove the pooled petroleum, the contaminated soil and to confirm that groundwater had not been […]

September 21, 2010

Electrical Contractor Releases Asbestos

Acknowledgement to Great American While installing new electrical lines in a historic building the contractor used a hole saw to cut through a ceiling. Unknown to the contractor, the saw had inadvertently disturbed and released asbestos-containing insulation material. The contractor had to pay for clean‐up costs for the asbestos fibers released throughout the building.


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