RT ECP: Articles

August 6, 2015

Soil Contamination Halts Construction Project

Source: http://www.mytwintiers.com, August 5, 2015 Construction of the new Hilton Garden Inn in Corning is on hold because of soil contamination. Our newspaper partner, The Leader, spoke with Corning City Councilman Chris Karam, who said manufacturing waste such as ash, glass and brick has been found in the soil underneath the former days inn off […]

August 6, 2015

Authorities worry that many U.S. schools could have dangerous asbestos

Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com, August 5, 2015 By: Lyndsey Layton When the Ocean View school district in Orange County, Calif., began to modernize its facilities last year, school officials and taxpayers got an unwelcome surprise. Workers found asbestos in 11 buildings, triggering a costly and disruptive effort to remove the carcinogen. Three elementary schools had to be […]

August 6, 2015

Fifth Circuit holds that insured versus insured exclusion does not bar coverage for all suits between insureds

Source: http://www.lexology.com, August 4, 2015 By: Hunton & Williams LLP On July 27, 2015, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit held in Kinsale Insurance Company v. Georgia-Pacific, LLC, No. 14-60770 (5th Cir. July 27, 2015), that a claim brought by one insured against another insured is not barred by an “insured […]

August 5, 2015

Soil, groundwater cleanup proposed for Edmonds site

Source: http://washington.realestaterama.com, August 4, 2015 The owner of a former fuel terminal near the Edmonds waterfront would clean up the site’s last two contaminated areas next year, under a work plan proposed by the Washington Department of Ecology. Ecology seeks public comment and invites people to a community meeting Aug. 20 in Edmonds about the […]

August 5, 2015

Traces of Legionella bacteria found in Bonham water samples

Source: http://www.wfaa.com, July 17, 2015 Multiple water samples at a community living center in Bonham, TX tested positive for a bacteria commonly linked to a form of pneumonia, according to the VA Health Care System of North Texas. The Veterans Health Administration tested 24 samples in June, following a directive launched last year that requires […]

August 5, 2015

NYC targets cooling systems linked to Legionnaires' outbreak

Source: http://www.timesunion.com, August 4, 2015 Towers linked to Legionnaires’ disease outbreak The number of people sickened in an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in the Bronx climbed to 86 on Tuesday as city officials outlined legislation that would tighten the regulation of water-cooling towers, which are thought to be the source of the cluster of cases. It […]

August 5, 2015

Environmental indemnity provisions must be carefully considered

Source: http://www.lexology.com, August 4, 2015 By: Kevin M. Hogan, Phillips Lytle LLP Anyone who buys or sells potentially contaminated real estate should negotiate contract terms to allocate the risk of an environmental cleanup, which can be a significant post-closing cost. Contractual indemnity has long been one of the chief mechanisms to allocate environmental liabilities between […]

August 5, 2015

Worry over toxins at South End brownfields shared by corporate interests

Source: http://vtdigger.org, August 3, 2015 By: Jess Wisloski A small group of artists and residents met with city leaders last week to learn more about the challenges of developing contaminated sites along the Pine Street corridor. Part of the city’s PlanBTV South End revitalization calls for rezoning and new construction in areas known as brownfields, […]

August 4, 2015

Insurance company sues Gary airport over pollution defense

Source: http://www.chicagotribune.com, July 27, 2015 By: Teresa Augh Schultz Gary/Chicago International Airport’s insurance provider wants off the hook for paying for the airport’s defense against a case with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Old Republic Insurance filed a lawsuit against the airport’s authority on Friday in U.S. District Court in Hammond asking that the […]

August 4, 2015

Spokane sues Monsanto for PCB contamination

Source: http://www.spokesman.com, August 3, 2015 By: Nicholas Deshais The city of Spokane has filed a lawsuit against the international agrochemical giant Monsanto, alleging that the company sold chemicals for decades that it knew were a danger to human and environmental health. The lawsuit, which does not specifically state what the city is seeking in monetary damages, […]

August 3, 2015

Nearly 400 tons of polluted soil to be removed at former Olympia Dry Cleaners site

Source: http://www.theolympian.com, July 30, 2015 By: Andy Hobbs Cleanup has resumed at the former Olympia Dry Cleaners site in an effort to remove decades’ worth of pollution. Starting Aug. 3, the state Department of Ecology will remove nearly 400 tons of contaminated soil at 606 Union Ave. SE. The property’s current tenant, Howard’s Prestige Cleaners, […]

August 3, 2015

Vineland faces yet another contamination problem

Source: http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com, August 2, 2015 By: Thomas Barlas The city is dealing with its third significant environmental issue in three years, and the latest problem may pose hazards for one of Cumberland County’s major rivers. All three incidents are related, in that they involve contaminants that seeped into the ground at production sites over significant […]


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