RT ECP: Articles

April 24, 2023

New Orleans S&WB working to fix leaking turbine damaging residents’ properties

Source: https://www.wdsu.com/, April 21, 2023 By: Elizabeth Kuebel A turbine used by the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board is spewing oil, damaging nearby residents’ properties, according to neighbors on Spruce Street. Turbine 5, which was built in the 1960s, is being used to pump water pumps and drainage pumps 24/7. Residents have complained of […]

April 24, 2023

Is the Owner or Contractor Responsible for Hazardous Materials Encountered on a Construction Site?

Source: https://learn.aiacontracts.com/, December 20, 2022 The short answer is that typically the Owner is responsible for dealing with hazardous materials encountered on site. The primary justification for this allocation of risk is that the Owner, through its acquisition of the property and/or on-going ownership of the property, has had the unique opportunity to investigate the […]

April 21, 2023

Surveying Blunder at the Tulsa Zoo: Can an Architect Really be Responsible for a Surveyor’s Mistake?

Source: https://learn.aiacontracts.com/, February 28, 2023 If you’re an architect, one of your jobs is to coordinate your design services with the services of other consultants on a project. In many situations, you hire these consultants directly and work with them closely. But in other situations, you have to rely on the work product of consultants […]

April 21, 2023

5 Environmental Risks to Consider Before Starting Your Next Project

Source: https://learn.aiacontracts.com/, April 15, 2023 Risks associated with environmental pollution are often overlooked and only considered after they occur. But the reality is that any project can cause a pollution event. Project owners bear ultimate responsibility for any contamination and should consider these five perils before starting a project: Read more.

April 21, 2023

Modular Construction is a Sustainable Way to Build

Source: https://learn.aiacontracts.com/, April 7, 2023 Projects that utilize modular construction, i.e., offsite construction of modules that are later transported onsite for assembly and installation, have many sustainable benefits. When compared to traditional stick-built projects, modular construction can bring efficient practices while simultaneously reducing impacts to the project site, as well as the surrounding area. In […]

April 18, 2023

Graniterock agreed to pay $325,000 for storm water runoff contamination of Coyote Creek

Source: https://www.ksbw.com/, April 17, 2023 By: Josh Copitch A Central Coast company has agreed to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to settle an environmental protentional lawsuit brought by the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office. According to the DA’s office, Granite Rock was accused of allowing stormwater runoff contaminated with heavy metals and high […]

April 17, 2023

Bad light-rail ties on I-90 bridge can’t be fixed, must be rebuilt

Source: https://www.seattletimes.com/, April 14, 2023 By: Mike Lindblom and Ellen Banner For a couple of years already, Interstate 90 travelers have seen construction workers toil in the former express lanes, striving to repair flawed track supports along Sound Transit’s future light-rail extension. But after futile attempts to adjust, jackhammer or patch these pieces like a dentist filling teeth, […]

April 17, 2023

Bridge Demolition Leads To Pollution Of Deer Creek

Source: https://www.timesnewspapers.com/, April 14, 2023 By: Colin Suchland Demolition of a bridge spanning Deer Creek has incited the ire of watchful Webster Groves residents and resulted in violations from state authorities over foam-plastic pollution in the waterway. Beginning in early March, a contractor working for the city of Brentwood, KCI Construction, began removing the bridge […]

April 17, 2023

Indiana plastics fire spewed toxic chemicals, EPA tests find, including benzene and hydrogen cyanide

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/, April 14, 2023 By: Aria Bendix and David K. Li A plastics fire in Indiana spewed various toxic chemicals into the air, including hydrogen cyanide and benzene, according to test results from the Environmental Protection Agency. Officials said Friday that air monitors detected hydrogen cyanide, benzene, chlorine, carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds in the […]

April 13, 2023

PCBs Contamination Closes Library, Gym at Twin Valley Elementary

Source: https://www.sevendaysvt.com/, April 11, 2023 By: Alison Novak As Vermont lawmakers debate the fate of an ambitious, first-in-the-nation program to test hundreds of schools for PCBs, another community is dealing with the fallout from finding elevated levels of the chemicals in parts of its school. Read more.

April 13, 2023

Truck Carrying Toxic Soil From East Palestine Overturns

Source: https://www.newsweek.com/, April 11, 2023 By: Aleks Phillips A truck carrying 40,000 pounds of soil contaminated with toxic chemicals from the train derailment near East Palestine, Ohio crashed on Monday evening while en route to a disposal site. In a statement, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said that roughly half of the tractor-trailer’s load […]

April 13, 2023

‘Whiskey fungus’ is covering this Tennessee town. Jack Daniel’s ethanol pollution is to blame.

Source: https://wpln.org/, April 12, 2023 By: Caroline Eggers Two hours south of Nashville, black mold is spreading. Playground swings look gunky. Road signs are unreadable. Trees are dying.  This is the scene unfolding in Mulberry, a small town in Lincoln County that borders the sprawling Jack Daniel’s whiskey operation — the food source for an […]


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