RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

May 30, 2023

Georgia Denim Mill settles lawsuit by agreeing to ban on PFAS chemicals – Sourcing Journal

Source: https://georgialawnews.com/, May 20, 2023 America’s largest denim manufacturing facility and supplier to well-known jeans brands will stop using PFAS after a lawsuit over its wastewater emissions. The lawsuit alleged that the plant discharges approximately 3.2 million gallons of PFAS- and chemical-contaminated wastewater daily into the Trion Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant, which was unable to […]

May 22, 2023


Source: https://sourcingjournal.com/, May 19, 2023 By: Kate Nishimura & Jessica Binns America’s biggest denim manufacturing site and supplier to well-known jeans brands will stop using PFAS after a lawsuit took aim at its wastewater output. Mount Vernon Mills last week said that by Dec. 31 its mill in Trion, Ga. will stop using per and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also called […]

May 22, 2023

Condo complex near Cutler Navy base deals with water pollution by ‘forever chemicals’

Source: https://www.newscentermaine.com/, May 22, 2023 By: Joyce Kryszak From the deck of their Beachwood Bay Estates condominium in the Washington County town of Cutler, Rita and Gary VanGyzen spend mornings drinking coffee and breathing fresh ocean air off the deep blue waters of Holmes Bay. A promotional video produced by the condominium homeowner’s association captured […]

April 14, 2023

Tractor-trailer crash spills chemicals into stream along Bellbridge Road in Lincoln Borough

Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/, April 10, 2023 By: Chris Hoffman A tractor-trailer overturned in Lincoln Borough, leaking chemicals and diesel fuel into a nearby creek on Monday. For a better part of the afternoon, crews were getting 55-gallon drum barrels out of the creek along Bellbridge Road in Lincoln and making sure none of the chemicals in […]

April 14, 2023

DC-based green group sues Jefferson County dairy farm

Source: https://www.wskg.org/, April 12, 2023 By: David Sommerstein A national environmental not-for-profit is suing a Jefferson County dairy farm, claiming its manure is polluting the St. Lawrence River. The owner of Wood Farms says the lawsuit is meritless, and the state Department of Environmental Conservation appears to be on the farmer’s side. Read more.

March 28, 2023

Train derails in rural North Dakota and spills chemical

Source: https://www.pbs.org/, March 27, 2023 A Canadian Pacific train derailed in rural North Dakota Sunday night and spilled hazardous materials. But local authorities and the railroad said there is no threat to public safety. There were no injuries and no fire associated with the derailment, which occurred in a rural area outside Wyndmere, a town […]

March 28, 2023

Kinnard Farms agrees to $215K settlement tied to alleged environmental violations

Source: https://www.wpr.org/, March 27, 2023 By: Rich Kremer State lawmakers will consider a $215,000 settlement offer from Kinnard Farms Tuesday, the agreement tied to allegations the business violated regulations while spreading manure in Kewaunee and Door Counties. If approved, it would mark a total of nearly $600,000 in settlements between the Wisconsin Department of Justice […]

March 8, 2023

Months after tanker crash in Bethlehem, cleanup continues of spilled gas, diesel fuel

Source: https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/, March 5, 2023 By: Sarah Cassi More than three months after a tanker truck crash sent thousands of gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel into a Bethlehem neighborhood and down storm drains, crews are still working to clean up the spill that reached a tributary of the Monocacy Creek. The Nov. 17 crash […]

March 6, 2023

Maine dairy farm coming out of toxic nightmare from ‘forever chemicals’

Source: https://www.newscentermaine.com/, March 2, 2023 By: Vivien Leigh More than 50 farms across Maine have been flagged by regulators as having some type of contamination from toxic chemicals known as PFAS. The industrial compounds were in wastewater sludge trucked to farms and used as fertilizer, leaching into well water and soil for decades. Read more.

December 16, 2022

Monsanto to pay Oregon $698 million for claimed PCB contamination

Source: https://www.courthousenews.com/, December 15, 2022 By: Alanna Madden Chemical manufacturer Monsanto agreed to dole out $698 million over toxic chemicals that Oregon says has polluted its rivers, lakes and forests for the last 90 years. Owned by Germany-based chemical giant Bayer AG, Monsanto is best known for its herbicide Roundup, which has seen its own share […]

December 13, 2022

Burlington School District Sues Monsanto Over PCB Contamination

Source: https://www.sevendaysvt.com/, December 12, 2022 By: Derek Brouwer The Burlington School District is seeking to force chemical maker Monsanto to pay for the fallout from PCB contamination at the city’s now-shuttered high school. In a lawsuit filed on Friday in federal court in Burlington, the district alleges that Monsanto encouraged customers to use PCB mixtures […]

December 12, 2022

Major oil spill in Kansas is largest in Keystone pipeline’s history

Source: https://abc7chicago.com/, December 10, 2022 By: John Hanna, Ryan J. Foley and Heather Hollingsworth A ruptured pipe dumped enough oil this week into a northeastern Kansas creek to nearly fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool, becoming the largest onshore crude pipeline spill in nine years and surpassing all the previous ones on the same pipeline system […]


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