RT ECP: Claims - Pollution Legal Liab

April 14, 2011

Stanislaus County landfill solution ordered

Source: The Modesto Bee, April 9, 2011 By: Garth Stapley The government must have had its reasons, 40 years ago, for turning gently rolling land near a peaceful river bend into a dump. Maybe no one wanted it for anything else. It likely was cheap and available, and — nine miles east of Modesto — […]

April 11, 2011

ENVIRONMENT: Public agencies took contaminated soil to reservation facility

Source: The Press-Enterprise, April 11, 2011 By: David Danelski School districts, the U.S. Marine Corps and Caltrans are among the public agencies and private companies that improperly shipped more than 160,000 tons of hazardous waste to an outdoor soil-recycling plant in Mecca that did not have a state permit to accept such waste, a Press-Enterprise […]

April 11, 2011

Former Dry Cleaning Site Investigated for Groundwater Contamination

Read here about a former dry cleaning site in North Carolina that is being investigated for groundwater contamination.

April 11, 2011

OH Egg Producer Fined for Pollution

Read here about an egg producer in Ohio that has been fined as a result of pollution complaints.

April 11, 2011

Liquid fertilizer spill shuts down SLC intersection

Source: http://www.wflx.com, April 6, 2011 By: Rachel Leigh The intersection of Midway and Glades Cut-Off roads shut down Wednesday morning following a spill of liquid fertilizer officials said. Liquid fertilizer reportedly was being transported in a tanker and there was a leak in the tank St. Lucie County Fire District spokeswoman Catherine Chaney said. The […]

April 7, 2011

Utilities Knew Of Chrome-6 Contamination For Years

Source: Environmental Working Group, April 5, 2011 Posted on: http://www.publicworks.com 2004 Tests Found ‘Brockovich’ Chemical Nationwide Some water utility representatives have protested Environmental Working Group’s report of laboratory tests that found worrisome levels of chromium-6, a suspected carcinogen, in the drinking water of 31 cities across the country. Yet the tap water industry was worried […]

April 7, 2011

EPA settles with waste clients in California

Read here about a $1.2 million waste settlement that the EPA reached with nearly 50 businesses in California.

April 7, 2011

Better Cleanup Is Planned At a Former Chrome Plant

Source: The New York Times, April 6, 2011 Posted on: http://envfpn.advisen.com Some 25 years ago, Ellen Wright was driving home through her neighborhood of single-family wood-frame houses here when she noticed that the streets were slick with ”green water.” ”It was a terrible thing,” said Mrs. Wright, now 77, recalling her unease. The liquid turned […]

April 6, 2011

St. Louis to get $26.5 million from Velsicol and others in water settlement

Source: http://themorningsun.com, March 31, 2011 By: Linda Gittleman After five long years of negotiations, St. Louis has reached a $26.5 million settlement in its suit against Velcisol Chemical Co. and others over contamination of the city’s water supply. In special meetings on Sunday and again on Tuesday, the St. Louis City Council unanimously approved the […]

April 6, 2011

Contamination found, project continues as planned

Source: http://www.pnwlocalnews.com, March 31, 2011 By: Jessica Hoch Winslow Way reconstruction workers discovered contaminated soil near Madison Avenue this week, but city officials said the amount was not unexpected and the project is moving along without delay. About two to three truckloads of fuel-based contaminated soils were located at the corner of Madison Avenue and […]

April 6, 2011

Asbestos removal from school concerns parents

Source: http://www.14wfie.com, April 1, 2011 By: Araceli Thiele Is it wise to start removing asbestos from a school when school is still in session? A question being asked in Carmi, Illinois. In March a letter was sent out to parents notifying them of asbestos removal at Carmi White County High School. School officials say although it […]

April 6, 2011

Cleanup of a Contaminated Massachusetts Site To Begin

Read here about the cleanup of a contaminated industrial site in Massachusetts that will begin this week after being delayed for years.


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