RT ECP: Design Build

November 1, 2021

Surveyor Sued After Erroneously Plots Points for Construction

Design build contractor responsible for surveying activities of a coastal commercial property in Florida.  Surveyor plots the points for the construction of the building and foundation.  The foundation is laid with sub-terrain electrical and plumbing complete. The contractor discovers that the surveyor failed to take into account the required municipal 2 feet setback and construction […]

October 20, 2021

Design-build pitfalls for owners, contractors & design pros

Source: https://neworleanscitybusiness.com/, October 19, 2021 As projects become more and more complicated, owners often look to simplify the building process by hiring a single firm to handle both design and construction. This is perfectly legal and commonly known as the “design-build” delivery method. A design-build project has many advantages. There is only one point of […]

October 13, 2021

Engineer provides updated explanation for NOLA Hard Rock Hotel collapse

Source: https://www.wbrz.com/, October 13, 2021 By: Paula Jones This week, a structural engineer who helped demolish New Orleans’ partially collapsed Hard Rock Hotel in 2020 provided officials with updated information on the cause of the building’s collapse, according to WWL-TV. The news outlet says Walter Zehner was hired by the owner of the Hard Rock project, […]

March 12, 2021

Work halted on part of $9B Honolulu rail project due to incomplete design

Source: https://www.constructiondive.com/, March 12, 2021 By: Zachary Phillips The lack of plans created a situation where money was being spent, but no work was getting done, Kahikina said: “You need to have the complete in order to go to the city to obtain permits before you can start work, so you’re just paying a contractor to […]

March 2, 2021

Lyons sues Honeywell, partners over wastewater plant construction

Source: https://www.greeleytribune.com/, March 2, 2021 By: Dan Mika The town of Lyons is suing Honeywell International Inc. (NYSE: HON) and a group of subcontractors over what it alleges was a yearslong failure to properly install upgrades to its wastewater plant. In the suit filed Friday in Boulder County District Court, Lyons selected Honeywell and its […]

February 23, 2021

Why a $10-million limit did not apply to mitigation of loss in this professional liability policy

Source: https://www.canadianunderwriter.ca/, February 22, 2021 By: David Gambrill B.C.’s Court of Appeal recently confirmed that a $10-million coverage limit did not apply to mitigation of loss coverage in a professional liability insurance policy, in part because the policy grouped mitigation of loss coverage together with other types of damage that require a third-party claim to […]

February 17, 2021

Cambria settles lawsuit against engineer for $1.75 million

Source: https://calcoasttimes.com/, February 17, 2021 By: Karen Velie After years of issues with their water treatment plant, the Cambria Community Services District settled for $1.75 million with the engineering firm CDM Smith which designed and build the facility and the evaporation pond that was later decommissioned by state regulators. Since the $13 million emergency water […]

February 11, 2021

Tappan Zee Constructors sues New York State Thruway on $4B bridge project

Source: https://www.constructiondive.com/, February 10, 2021 By: Kim Slowey Tappan Zee Constructors, a design-build team that includes Fluor, American Bridge, Traylor Bros and Granite Construction, has filed a lawsuit against the New York State Thruway Authority seeking $961 million for extra costs associated with bad weather, a crane collapse and interference from another design-build team in […]

January 27, 2021

Lane Construction sues I-4 Ultimate partner Skanska for $132M

Source: https://www.constructiondive.com/, January 27, 2021 By: Kim Slowey Lane Construction has filed a lawsuit against Skanska USA Civil Southeast, its joint venture design-build partner on the $2.3 billion I-4 Ultimate project in Orlando, Florida, accusing Skanska of putting an affiliate company’s interests before its obligations to the JV. Lane is demanding $132 million plus costs […]

December 4, 2020

UMass lawsuit seeks nearly $3 million over alleged construction flaws

Source: https://www.gazettenet.com/, December 3, 2020 By: Scott Merzbach The University of Massachusetts and the UMass Building Authority are suing eight contractors for almost $3 million for their alleged role in the collapse of ductwork in kitchen exhaust systems at a refurbished dining facility on the Amherst campus. The lawsuit, filed in Hampshire Superior Court in […]

October 22, 2020

Defending Against Construction Delay Claims

Source: https://www.law.com/, October 22, 2020 By: Jacqueline Greenberg Vogt Delays are inevitable in construction. They can also cause the project owner to lose a lot of money resulting from contractor claims, loss of use of the project, the cost of construction funding and other damages which are incurred when a project extends beyond the scheduled […]

August 10, 2020


Source: https://www.montclairlocal.news/, August 8, 2020 By: Jaimie Julia Winters The Siena was touted as one of Montclair’s most luxurious condominium buildings when it opened in 2008. Developed on the former Hahne’s Department Store property, the building’s owners quickly sold all but eight of its 101 units as buyers sought what the builders termed an “enclave […]


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